Unofficial DragCave Community
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Back February 16th, 2009 Forward
darlingfox [userpic]

eggs & hatchlings )

Thank you for the clicks and views!

my eggs and hatchlings )

miniera [userpic]
Monday post

Happy President's Day for those in the US. I have clicked back to my last post and will be clicking off and on today as we have the day off. Thanks in advance for any clicks/views.

in here )

fodirteg [userpic]

Clicks are requested, please )

sweetmelodykiss [userpic]
Daily Post

Edit: Holly caught a yellow dino egg by mistake. She really doesn't want it, so it's up for adoption. It's free to anyone who wants it.

Good morning! Thanks for the clicks and views. I'll be clicking as usual.

Please click my babies )

Phaeton [userpic]
Ah, well...

...figures. )

sassy_cissa [userpic]
Monday Post

Will spend the day clicking back the last 24 hours.

Thanks for the clicks )

Mx. Andi Kalson [userpic]

Dragonlings! )

Someone who found me on Twitter is trying to start up a lineage project for Dragon Cave. She has posted an outline of her project Here in her LJ. She has also set up an LJ group for her breeding projects. The link to that is in the comments. If you're interested in adopting dragons with interesting lineages, or participating in her project, I'm sure she'd appriciate if you posted on either her journal or in the group she's set up.

Stealth clicking everyone, as usual.

lune de lumière [userpic]
Some clicks for mama?

Read more... )

Mood: creative
Wolf SilverOak [userpic]
Daily Click Spam

Clicks. )

Mood: calm

clicks plaese . .. )


dragons )

gommeke [userpic]

monday )

alicit [userpic]

Well, here we are again, the furore seems to have died out. What can we hope for next? An April's Fool dragon? An Easter bunny dragon? Mmmmm... Perhaps a an Easter egg released on the 1st of April and the joke is on us when it hatches to reveal a jack-in-the-box dragon.

Meanwhile, here are these dragonlings:

Clicks preferred. )

Monday's babies )

post for feb 16th )

mysteryimp [userpic]
Happy Monday

Grabbed a stone today. Would be super nice if it was a male. Which means it won't be, of course! :) Clicks or views would be great. Glad the holiday is over and there's not the super death lag going on in the cave.

Thanks for all the clicks and/or views! )

monday clicks please

Hello evrybody,

I clicked back to my last post as always and present you here proudly my new eggs for clicking, pretty please?

Hope you´ll have a good week and the monday wasn´t too bad. Here is snow or snow with a lot of snow.....brrrrr!

eggies! )

Thanks to you all. You´re great!

A depressed super nerd. [userpic]

Woot! )

Off to ninja click!

delilahdraken [userpic]
My post of the day...

the little one )

the scroll

unbroken_halo [userpic]
Monday's Post

Thanks in advance for the clicks!

The brood )

darlingfox [userpic]

eggs & hatchlings )

Thank you for the clicks and views!

1 Egg

Extremely disappointed I couldn't manage to grab a Valentine dragon, but did anyone notice the Christmas dragons suddenly became breedable? Got a couple frills in the work and a stone that I hope becomes a female, but they shouldn't need much more. Heck, this one might be pretty okay too.

red_day_dawning [userpic]
Crawling out of hibernation....

Hi all! After a long break, the sight of new eggies caught by the incomparable Whitestar drew me back. Here are the sweeties:
Read more... )


2 hatchlings and 2 eggs! Getting close 4 days and 16 hours on the lowest. )

Mood: worried

Monday monday )

Back February 16th, 2009 Forward