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Drabble Day

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Hour 20: Trials [30 May 2021|03:01am]

I'm not sure where Alexis went, but she asked me to sit in for your dribble day ... dabble day...

But I'm supposed to read a prompt or... okay, TRIALS. Is that okay?

(Verity Leaving by lena-hyena on deviantart)

Hour 19: Ensorcelled [30 May 2021|06:00pm]


[wha- ow!]

Sorry, I tried yelling a bunch of times but you just stared at me blankly. You seemed a bit... ENSORCELLED!

Hour 18: Ring [30 May 2021|12:58am]

Guys, I just have one little thing I'd like to share with you.

That last prompt, well, I'm not sure if I have the right wardrobe for this job. Is there a clothing budget?

Guys? Are you still there?

Whatever! I like this prompt much better!

Hour 17: Siege [30 May 2021|03:59pm]

[You still with us, Alexis?

[Sorry! We know it's been a little bit more intense than you expected.

It's fine, I am embracing it now!

[That's the spirit!]

Yessss. So your next prompt is SIEGE!

Hour 16: Monster [29 May 2021|10:59pm]

[Okay, Alexis, it's time for the next prompt.[

But this has been going on a long time...

Anyhoo, the next prompt is MONSTER.

Hour 15: Sacrifice and Poison [30 May 2021|01:54pm]


[what. what is happening.]

[we are not? we don't think?]

Doesn't matter, we're leaning into it! You get two prompts again, and they are SACRIFICE and POISON! Have fun!

Hour 14: Castle [29 May 2021|08:58pm]

[OK, Alexis, please tell us you're dressed and ready for the next prompt, right?]

The next prompt is CASTLE.

Hour 13: Steed [30 May 2021|12:11pm]

MODS: Alexis? You said you'd be back by now? ALEXIS!!!

MODS: Are you okay? Are we... interrupting anything?

MODS: ...ok, we don't actually want to know. How about you go find some clothes and we'll do our own prompt in the meantime.

After the double whammy of the last hour, here's a soothing excuse of a prompt to paw some horses: STEED.

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