Sunday, January 28th, 2018


Aaaaand that's a wrap, my brilliant drabble stars! You have all been MAGNIFIQUE.


yeah, hey, not entirely terrible i guess?

Thank you, Haymitch.

anytime, darlin'.

ANYWAY. Submissions for Drabble Day are now closed - do feel free to post more drabbles if inspiration lingers, we will still adore and comment on each one, although late ones won't count towards the official tally.

And speaking of the tally, your mods will compile some numbers and master lists and impressive accomplishments and such, once they have caught up on, as they hyena-cackled in my general direction just now, ALL THE SLEEP OMFG. So watch this space.

Adieu, you have been the brightest of bright phoenixes!
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Friday, January 26th, 2018

Drabble Day 2018 - And So It Begins

*taps mic*

Welcome, welcome, welcome to the 2018 Drabble Day!

Read more... )
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Sunday, January 21st, 2018

Save the date for Drabble Day!


Starting at 11pm GMT on Friday, 26 January, you are menacingly cordially invited to participate in 24 hours of drabbling madness. (Yes, we decided that 12 hours was not quite mad enough and have returned to our usual format). As in previous years, drabbles will be limited to exactly 100 words and will be accepted for all pairings and all fandoms.

Time zones are as follows:
US midwest (CST): 26 Jan, 5pm - 27 Jan, 5pm
US/Canada East Coast (EST): 26 Jan, 6pm - 27 Jan, 6pm
UK (GMT): 26 Jan, 11pm - 27 Jan, 11pm
Europe (CET): 26 Jan, midnight - 27 Jan, midnight (i.e. starting 24:00 Friday or 00:00 if you're counting from Saturday)
NZ (NZST): 27 Jan, noon - 28 Jan, noon

Another post announcing the rules and this year's theme will be coming soon.* In the meantime, have a hint and also an annoying earworm:

Hope to see you all there! \o/

*Just as soon as we've relearned how the hell banners and IJ work.
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Tuesday, November 8th, 2016

The results are in!


Guys, you will not believe the tally for Drabble Day 2016! It's staggering! In just 12 hours, 124 drabbles were posted in a total of 47 fandoms! They included:

Avatar the Last Airbender, Alles Was Zählt, Bandom (MCR and PATD), Black Sails, Robin Hobb's Liveship Trilogy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charles II (Neal Stephenson's Quicksilver), Community, Dawson's Creek, Doctor Who, Empire, The L.A. Complex, Frozen, Game of Thrones, Hamilton, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Jessica Jones, Lord of the Rings, Luke Cage, Miss Fisher, My Mad Fat Diary, My So-Called Life, Nashville, Lynn Flewelling's Nightrunner series, Outlander, Parks & Recreation, Please Like Me, Ronja the Robber's Daughter, Stargate, Stargate Atlantis, The Shawshank Redemption, Sherlock, Spartacus, Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, Supernatural, The Shoebox Project, The Thick of It, The Walking Dead, Torchwood, Turn, Victoria, Welcome to Night Vale, Wentworth, Within the Wires and original fic.

Considering that the challenge lasted just 12 hours - half as long as last year, when 154 drabbles were submitted - I think it's fair to say that you guys really rose to the occasion.

Get it? Rose? Like bread rises...

... < crickets >

Peeta, we've talked about puns...
I know, I'm sorry. Anyway, I'm here to announce the individual totals.

AMENDED RESULTSWith 26 drabbles each (posted during the 24 hours of the challenge), [info]aldiara and [info]amyriadfthings are tied! [info]amyriadfthings's last minute bread binge for Please Like Me gave us lots of food for thought ...

Sorry. Also, in case you missed it, [info]aldiara snuck in an additional 5 after the deadline), including the conclusion of the epic tragedy of Kaldrick and Jamal (Kalmal?). Be sure to go back and read her final 4 drabbles to revisit the whole crushing sensation.

Next up was [info]amo_amas_amat, who wrote 19 drabbles in an impressive mix of 10 different fandoms, followed by [info]spaghettitoes who brought in 17 drabbles in diverse fandoms ranging from Frozen to Luke Cage, [info]lilithilien with 16 (mostly Black Sails) drabbles, and [info]winterlover with 13 drabbles (and bringing the bandom!). And despite a late start (stupid time zones), [info]notoriouslyuniq got in 6 drabbles including an original anthromorphic creation.

All in all, a really extraordinary showing. Well done!!! You all deserve a big round of applause!

See you again next year!!
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Saturday, October 15th, 2016

An Important Message From Your Overlords


For that's the day the madness will begin...

(Only a little madness. We promise.*)

Commencing at the precise hour of 11:00 GMT on 4th November, and continuing until 23:00 GMT on that same date, twelve hours of drabbling shall take place. You are each expected to create a drabble each hour on an appropriate topic related to an assigned prompt.** The Overlords Mods shall announce said prompt at the start of each hour.***

As in previous years, drabbles will be limited to exactly 100 words and will be accepted for all pairings and all fandoms. However, in a slight deviation from previous years, Drabble Day entries may be submitted after the actual event. You may submit drabbles on designated topics until 10:59 GMT on 5th November.****

Further announcements will be made in the upcoming days. Remember, remember the date.

And remember: We are watching.*****

*Promises are not a guarantee of literal guarantees. The mods are fully indemnified in the case of any injury resulting from madness that may occur and no refunds shall be made due to any instances of temporary or permanent madness. The Overlords Mods may institute, encourage and/or reward madness in any form as they may see fit.

**All participation is strictly voluntary. We promise.

***More or less. Unless we are late.

****See, we promised only a little madness!

*****Things we are currently watching include Parks & Recreation, Orphan Black, The Legend of Korra, and Empire, among others.
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Monday, October 5th, 2015

A Message To The Mods


Is this thing on?


Mods, this is a message to your future selves. It is very, very important that you listen to us, because you will forget and it may mean your doom. Listen. Listen to us, because we are you, and we promise we have been where you are now. Are you listening? We need you to remember the code. The code may save your lives next time this challenge happens. Are you ready? Okay. The code is 12PFE. Memorise it. Breathe it. Live it. LISTEN.
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Drabble Day Tally!

The results for Drabble Day 2015 are in, and they are magnificent! Although we had a smaller pool of contributors this year, there were 154 drabbles submitted in a total of 54 fandoms, Drabble Day's largest number of fandoms to date. Absolutely fucking fabulous! We've also been super-impressed with how you've approached the prompts - yes, there was a fair amount of hair drabbles (AS WE HOPED!) but you also went incredibly creative in your interpretations and brought some very varied themes (AS WE ALSO HOPED!). Win-win.

These are all the fandoms we had contributions for:

Spartacus, Vikings (incl. Punk Band AU!), The Americans, Once Upon A Time, My Little Pony, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Hook, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Demon’s Lexicon, Stargate Atlantis, My So-Called Life, The Hunger Games, Disney (Frozen, Wreck-It Ralph, Mulan, Rapunzel), Sugar Rush, Please Like Me, A Song of Ice and Fire, Harry Potter (Shoebox Project), Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, Legend of Korra, Gattaca, Doctor Who, My Mad Fat Diary, North & South, Firefly, The Good Wife, Teen Wolf, Lord of the Rings, Star Trek TNG, The X-Files, Night Vale, Fringe, Slings & Arrows, Orphan Black, Merlin, Star Wars, L.A. Complex, Dance Academy, Wentworth, White Collar, Poldark, Community, Fingersmith, Otherland, Penny Dreadful, Les Miserables, Bletchley Circle, The White Queen, Freier Fall, Latter Days, Sense8, Billy Elliot, Mistresses (UK), The Scarlet Pimpernel, and original fic.

In the "Most Drabbles Per Person" department, [info]amyriadfthings was the Girl on Fire this year with an amazing total of 33 drabbles and one or more contributions for every single prompt - we bow before your drabbling prowess! That Vikings Punk Band AU is definitely going places! (next up: pls to be getting the cast on board so we can get this on our screens, Y/Y? CANON FIX: NAILED IT!)

Second and third place went to your very sleepless mod [info]aldiara with 27 drabbles and to [info]amo_amas_amat with 26 drabbles - a very close margin indeed, too bad we didn't notice at the time, lol! (special props to Anna for her North & South series - one of my personal favs, period hooray - and for rocking the comments throughout the challenge! Such a star.)

Aaaand the rest of the tally was as follows:
[info]spaghettitoes - 24 drabbles (showed fabulous commitment to her Disney theme and made us snorfle coffee on our keyboards with her mad crack skillz!)
[info]lilithilien - 17 drabbles (while modding/organising, making gorgous banners, keeping a tally, commenting, chatting with co-mod, and prepping prompts - how many Lils are in your Clone Club?)
[info]notoriouslyuniq - 14 drabbles (incredible achievement considering she just finished a thesis and wasn't sure she could participate at all!)
[info]antiteb - 6 drabbles (proud lone representative of mainland Europe - we loved seeing her bring the Teen Wolf back!)
[info]alsha - 5 drabbles (drabbled and got major supportive commenting game on despite having just returned from a brutal 15-hour night shift!)
[info]geekchick1013 - 2 drabbles (sprinkled some very welcome last-minute angst sparkles on the challenge with 2 new fandoms!)

YOU'VE ALL DONE THE IMPOSSIBLE! (I'd apologise for the Sparty spam but triumphant gladiators really do express this best)

Thank you all SO MUCH for joining us in this wonderful creative messy madness - not just for churning out the drabbles and slaying us with crack and pain and poetry in exquisite 100-word morsels, but also for being fantastically supportive towards each other, cheering and commenting and being stars in every way. It's been an honour and we hope to see you next year!

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Saturday, October 3rd, 2015

Drabble Day: Posting guidelines, theme, and rules

Almost there, lovelies - Drabble Day starts this Saturday (3 October) at 12pm GMT!

As in previous years, this will be a multi-fandom challenge - all fandoms, pairings, characters and ratings are welcome, including original stuff and crossovers. Give us crack, angst, character studies, canon repair, AUs, paincake, fluff, dialogue or smut. We wants it all, precious - as long as you can pack it into 100 words!

And now for this year's theme... *drumrolls*

DON'T WORRY. We won't make you write about hair for 24 hours (although if that's what you want to do, go right ahead)! We've done our best to choose prompts that, while hair-related, also cover a variety of other meanings - for example, if you get a prompt like "tips," yes, you can absolutely write about Giles having a midlife crisis and getting his tips frosted, but you can also do anything involving fingertips, or tippy toes, or girlslash for Tipping the Velvet, or Spartacus giving Pietros self-defence tips, or Bronn and Tyrion having a tipple, or Ginny Weasley working a burger joint for minimum wage plus tips, or... you know what, I really wish we'd picked "tips" as a prompt right now.

Point is, anything goes - we'll accept even the vaguest association, either with the prompt or the banner.

The Rules:

  1. The challenge lasts for 24 hours, from 4am PST / 6am CST / 7am EST / 12pm GMT / 1pm CET / 10pm AEST / 12am NZST on October 3, 2015, until the same time on October 4, 2015.

  2. At the top of each hour, we’ll post a drabble prompt here in the Drabble Day asylum. You will have until the end of the challenge to write a drabble based on that prompt. The only rule is that your contribution must be a drabble. NOTE: A drabble is 100 words, not including the title. No cheating on this one, peeps, it’s pretty much the only thing we’re firm about. (Also, I seem to recall some people counting words manually last time, which sounds like Purgatory, tbh. If you don’t have MS Word, please use an online word counting tool like Word Counter.)

  3. Post your drabble as a comment to the prompt post. Please put the name of the fandom and the characters/pairing in the subject line so people will know what they’re reading.

  4. You can write as many or as few drabbles as you like. You can write multiple ones for the same prompt. You can write one for every prompt. You can write one single drabble for the entire day. Whatever works for you.

  5. The challenge will close at 4am PST / 6am CST / 7am EST / 12pm GMT / 1pm CET / 10pm AEST / 12am NZST on October 4, 2015. No drabbles will be accepted for the challenge after that (although you’re still free to continue writing them for as long as you want).

  6. Drabble sequences, double/triple drabbles, etc. are totally okay, as long as you don’t abuse that to write a single drabble longer than 100 words.

  7. ???

  8. PROFIT!!! (ok, profit means mostly getting to read other people's drabbles and throwing glitter all over everything, but that totally counts!)

If you have any questions, please let us know in the comments! Otherwise, enjoy some more gratuitous hair porn and come join us on Saturday!

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Wednesday, November 21st, 2012

Drabble Day results!

The results for our second somewhat-annual Drabble Day are in, and we can only say it was incredible! Despite technical issues, sleep deprivation, and general struggles with those tricky little things called words, there were 175 drabbles submitted in 45 different fandoms. That is 17,500 words, people. In 24 hours! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!


For the second year in a row, [info]aldiara claims the gold for writing 31 drabbles (nearly a third of them for the "Dead By Morning" prompt, the dirty cheater). [info]amyriadfthings was next with 29 drabbles, edging [info]lilithilien out of second place (also with 29 drabbles) by writing for every single prompt! *slow clap*

Honourable mentions go to [info]spagettitoes (26 drabbles), [info]winterlover (20 drabbles) and [info]amo_amas_amat (17 drabbles).

Prizes will be forthcoming as soon as we have the faintest clue what they are going to be ;)

We're over the moon about the variety of fandoms represented. We had drabbles from As the World Turns, Alien, Alles Was Zählt, Bandom, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Community, Dance Academy, Days of Our Lives, Doctor Who, Downton Abbey, Dr. Horrible, Elisabeth, Firefly, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Hawaii 5-0, Hockey RPS, Homeland, Lord of the Rings, Maurice, Merlin, Misfits, Mountaineering RPS, My So-Called Life, Parade's End, Queer As Folk, Revenge, Robin Hobb’s Liveship Traders trilogy, Sandman, Slings & Arrows, Stargate Atlantis, Sugar Rush, Supernatural, Teen Wolf, The Dark Tower, The Demon's Lexicon, The Hunger Games, The L.A. Complex, The Princess Bride, The Shoebox Project, The Walking Dead, Torchwood, White Collar, Wicked, Xena and original fic. It’s fantastic to see that we’ve gone beyond our one-fandom obsession and brought in the diversity of all the different stories that we love (and are sometimes annoyed by).

So thanks for making Drabble Day the sleepless, relentless, super-prolific, cracky, utterly mad, sparkly explosion of creativity that it was! (doubtlessly by this time next year we'll have cycled back from "OMG so dead" and "ARE WE INSANE LET'S MAKE IT HALF AS MANY PROMPTS NEXT YEAR" to "hey, y'know what sounds fun? not sleeping for 24 hours and cussing incessantly over those 5 extra/missing words you just can't seem to cut/add!")

In the meantime, have yourselves a big round of applause:






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Monday, November 19th, 2012

And that's a wrap!

Drabble Day 2012 is OFFICIALLY OVER!

You can still write drabbles to your heart's content, but anything posted after the deadline won't count towards your Drabble Day pile. We'll post a tally and announce the winners (winners? that sounds wrong, surely we all win!) SOON *chirp* Meanwhile, enjoy the incredible turnout, wallow in everyone else's drabbles and sprinkle the comment love around.

You guys have been jaw-droppingly fantastic!!! Thank you so much for joining us :DDDDDDDDDD

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Friday, November 16th, 2012

Just a reminder

Drabble Day starts tomorrow! We'll post the first prompt at 2pm EST/7pm GMT/8pm CET/8am NZ, and a new prompt will be posted each hour thereafter. We hope you'll enjoy the prompts - we're having a real giggle preparing them! - and all fandoms and pairings are welcome. In other words, COME ONE, COME ALL - there's sure to be something to appeal to everyone! But remember...

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Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

Proclamation of Drabble Day

Remember those crazed 24 hours we had a year ago and a bit?

It’s drabble time again, darlings! Forget your elaborate plots and drawn out characterisations. We want 100 words doled out at a time, short and sweet – and this time, as clichéd as you can possibly be. That's right – this year’s drabble fest is all about those time-worn tropes we love so well. Each hour on the hour, we’ll post a new trope and/or cliché for you to drabble the heck out of. What you do with that trope is up to you: indulge the cliché to your heart's content, blow our brains by turning stereotype on its head, or just go with the ever-welcome crack option. And because we’ve spread ourselves across fandoms like a more-lethargic pyjama-clad vodka-swilling version of The Blob, this year we’re accepting drabbles about any characters you please.
  • Just 100 words for Stiles to convince Derek that sharing body heat is the only tried-and-true cure for hypothermia.
  • Or 100 words to express Tara’s confusion when amnesia makes her forget the steps to The Red Shoes.
  • And crossovers are allowed too, for instance if you wanted Lizzie Bennet to show off her tentacles to Kaylee or Lady Crawley. In – you got it – 100 words.

Since it’s been a while since we had one of these, please take a look at the rules as a refresher. )
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