Drabble, Drabble, Toil and Trouble
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Sunday, January 21st, 2018

    Time Event
    Save the date for Drabble Day!

    Starting at 11pm GMT on Friday, 26 January, you are menacingly cordially invited to participate in 24 hours of drabbling madness. (Yes, we decided that 12 hours was not quite mad enough and have returned to our usual format). As in previous years, drabbles will be limited to exactly 100 words and will be accepted for all pairings and all fandoms.

    Time zones are as follows:
    US midwest (CST): 26 Jan, 5pm - 27 Jan, 5pm
    US/Canada East Coast (EST): 26 Jan, 6pm - 27 Jan, 6pm
    UK (GMT): 26 Jan, 11pm - 27 Jan, 11pm
    Europe (CET): 26 Jan, midnight - 27 Jan, midnight (i.e. starting 24:00 Friday or 00:00 if you're counting from Saturday)
    NZ (NZST): 27 Jan, noon - 28 Jan, noon

    Another post announcing the rules and this year's theme will be coming soon.* In the meantime, have a hint and also an annoying earworm:

    Hope to see you all there! \o/

    *Just as soon as we've relearned how the hell banners and IJ work.

    Current Music: gentle screams of impending madness

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