Drabble, Drabble, Toil and Trouble
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Saturday, October 15th, 2016

    Time Event
    An Important Message From Your Overlords

    For that's the day the madness will begin...

    (Only a little madness. We promise.*)

    Commencing at the precise hour of 11:00 GMT on 4th November, and continuing until 23:00 GMT on that same date, twelve hours of drabbling shall take place. You are each expected to create a drabble each hour on an appropriate topic related to an assigned prompt.** The Overlords Mods shall announce said prompt at the start of each hour.***

    As in previous years, drabbles will be limited to exactly 100 words and will be accepted for all pairings and all fandoms. However, in a slight deviation from previous years, Drabble Day entries may be submitted after the actual event. You may submit drabbles on designated topics until 10:59 GMT on 5th November.****

    Further announcements will be made in the upcoming days. Remember, remember the date.

    And remember: We are watching.*****

    *Promises are not a guarantee of literal guarantees. The mods are fully indemnified in the case of any injury resulting from madness that may occur and no refunds shall be made due to any instances of temporary or permanent madness. The Overlords Mods may institute, encourage and/or reward madness in any form as they may see fit.

    **All participation is strictly voluntary. We promise.

    ***More or less. Unless we are late.

    ****See, we promised only a little madness!

    *****Things we are currently watching include Parks & Recreation, Orphan Black, The Legend of Korra, and Empire, among others.

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: dogs and boys barking at each other

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