Drabble, Drabble, Toil and Trouble
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Saturday, October 3rd, 2015

    Time Event
    Drabble Day Hour 2: Braids
    Okay people, let's see some more action here. If [info]amyriadfthings can work on two drabbles before 7am, you can too!! Jupiter's cock, am I going to have to get Oenomaus on your ass?

    Enough with the berating. Here is the next prompt. ENJOY!!!

    Drabble Day: Posting guidelines, theme, and rules
    Almost there, lovelies - Drabble Day starts this Saturday (3 October) at 12pm GMT!

    As in previous years, this will be a multi-fandom challenge - all fandoms, pairings, characters and ratings are welcome, including original stuff and crossovers. Give us crack, angst, character studies, canon repair, AUs, paincake, fluff, dialogue or smut. We wants it all, precious - as long as you can pack it into 100 words!

    And now for this year's theme... *drumrolls*

    DON'T WORRY. We won't make you write about hair for 24 hours (although if that's what you want to do, go right ahead)! We've done our best to choose prompts that, while hair-related, also cover a variety of other meanings - for example, if you get a prompt like "tips," yes, you can absolutely write about Giles having a midlife crisis and getting his tips frosted, but you can also do anything involving fingertips, or tippy toes, or girlslash for Tipping the Velvet, or Spartacus giving Pietros self-defence tips, or Bronn and Tyrion having a tipple, or Ginny Weasley working a burger joint for minimum wage plus tips, or... you know what, I really wish we'd picked "tips" as a prompt right now.

    Point is, anything goes - we'll accept even the vaguest association, either with the prompt or the banner.

    The Rules:

    1. The challenge lasts for 24 hours, from 4am PST / 6am CST / 7am EST / 12pm GMT / 1pm CET / 10pm AEST / 12am NZST on October 3, 2015, until the same time on October 4, 2015.

    2. At the top of each hour, we’ll post a drabble prompt here in the Drabble Day asylum. You will have until the end of the challenge to write a drabble based on that prompt. The only rule is that your contribution must be a drabble. NOTE: A drabble is 100 words, not including the title. No cheating on this one, peeps, it’s pretty much the only thing we’re firm about. (Also, I seem to recall some people counting words manually last time, which sounds like Purgatory, tbh. If you don’t have MS Word, please use an online word counting tool like Word Counter.)

    3. Post your drabble as a comment to the prompt post. Please put the name of the fandom and the characters/pairing in the subject line so people will know what they’re reading.

    4. You can write as many or as few drabbles as you like. You can write multiple ones for the same prompt. You can write one for every prompt. You can write one single drabble for the entire day. Whatever works for you.

    5. The challenge will close at 4am PST / 6am CST / 7am EST / 12pm GMT / 1pm CET / 10pm AEST / 12am NZST on October 4, 2015. No drabbles will be accepted for the challenge after that (although you’re still free to continue writing them for as long as you want).

    6. Drabble sequences, double/triple drabbles, etc. are totally okay, as long as you don’t abuse that to write a single drabble longer than 100 words.

    7. ???

    8. PROFIT!!! (ok, profit means mostly getting to read other people's drabbles and throwing glitter all over everything, but that totally counts!)

    If you have any questions, please let us know in the comments! Otherwise, enjoy some more gratuitous hair porn and come join us on Saturday!

    Drabble Day Hour 4: Crop (+ bonus prompt)
    We're four hours into this already? WTF time? Where's the fire? Slow down and enjoy yourself!

    OK, let's Do The Thing!

    And for a bonus...

    Drabble Day Hour 6: Waves
    It's not too early for wine, Y/Y?

    Drabble Day Hour 8: Fringe
    We've been at this going on eight hours? CRAZYSKATES!!! You guys are doing an amazing job, it's a blast reading all these glimpses into old and new fandoms!

    And here's the next one for you...

    Drabble Day Hour 10: Ringlets
    Words. I can't even. Just...

    Drabble Day Hour 12: Layers
    Well gang, we've reached the 12th hour! Well done!!!! Keep that coffee/wine/chocolate flowing. Also, if you've seen any of our muses, please send them back, we miss them!

    Here's your next prompt. Lots of range on this one so go crazy!

    Drabble Day Hour 14: Weave
    You guys continue to amaze!!! We're on the downhill side now, so keep that coffee flowing!

    Our next prompt is my new favourite character. COOKIE ROCKS!!!!

    Drabble Day Hour 16: Curls

    And here, have some random pretty just to inspire.

    Drabble Day Hour 18: Queue (also Cue)
    You guys are INCREDIBLE. I am reduced to CAPSLOCK FLAIL. This is AWESOME.

    And here's your next prompt: Zuko helping Sokka with Fire Nation-style Azula doing ANYTHING with her hair Korrasami QUEUE (CUE will also work)...

    And so it begins... Drabble Day, Hour 1: Spikes! (plus bonus prompt: Tips)
    Welcome to the 3rd sometimes annual Drabble Day! We're about to post the first prompt. Take a quick look at the rules again – there aren't many, but please heed the few there are:

    (1) Post your drabble as a comment to the relevant prompt post. As all fandoms are allowed, please put the name of the fandom (and the characters/pairings if you wish) in the subject line to avoid confusion.
    (2) You can write as many or as few drabbles as you'd like, as long as you post them within the next 24 hours – the challenge ends tomorrow at 12pm GMT.
    (3) All drabbles must be 100 words exactly. Drabble sequences (double/triple drabbles) are allowed, as long as they are true drabbles.

    And our first official prompt is: SPIKES!

    ...aaand because it seemed like such an easy one, have TIPS as a bonus/alternative ;)


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