Drabble, Drabble, Toil and Trouble
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Wednesday, November 21st, 2012

    Time Event
    Drabble Day results!
    The results for our second somewhat-annual Drabble Day are in, and we can only say it was incredible! Despite technical issues, sleep deprivation, and general struggles with those tricky little things called words, there were 175 drabbles submitted in 45 different fandoms. That is 17,500 words, people. In 24 hours! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!


    For the second year in a row, [info]aldiara claims the gold for writing 31 drabbles (nearly a third of them for the "Dead By Morning" prompt, the dirty cheater). [info]amyriadfthings was next with 29 drabbles, edging [info]lilithilien out of second place (also with 29 drabbles) by writing for every single prompt! *slow clap*

    Honourable mentions go to [info]spagettitoes (26 drabbles), [info]winterlover (20 drabbles) and [info]amo_amas_amat (17 drabbles).

    Prizes will be forthcoming as soon as we have the faintest clue what they are going to be ;)

    We're over the moon about the variety of fandoms represented. We had drabbles from As the World Turns, Alien, Alles Was Zählt, Bandom, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Community, Dance Academy, Days of Our Lives, Doctor Who, Downton Abbey, Dr. Horrible, Elisabeth, Firefly, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Hawaii 5-0, Hockey RPS, Homeland, Lord of the Rings, Maurice, Merlin, Misfits, Mountaineering RPS, My So-Called Life, Parade's End, Queer As Folk, Revenge, Robin Hobb’s Liveship Traders trilogy, Sandman, Slings & Arrows, Stargate Atlantis, Sugar Rush, Supernatural, Teen Wolf, The Dark Tower, The Demon's Lexicon, The Hunger Games, The L.A. Complex, The Princess Bride, The Shoebox Project, The Walking Dead, Torchwood, White Collar, Wicked, Xena and original fic. It’s fantastic to see that we’ve gone beyond our one-fandom obsession and brought in the diversity of all the different stories that we love (and are sometimes annoyed by).

    So thanks for making Drabble Day the sleepless, relentless, super-prolific, cracky, utterly mad, sparkly explosion of creativity that it was! (doubtlessly by this time next year we'll have cycled back from "OMG so dead" and "ARE WE INSANE LET'S MAKE IT HALF AS MANY PROMPTS NEXT YEAR" to "hey, y'know what sounds fun? not sleeping for 24 hours and cussing incessantly over those 5 extra/missing words you just can't seem to cut/add!")

    In the meantime, have yourselves a big round of applause:






    Drabble Day 2012: A Masterlist
    For easier reference purposes...



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