April 6th, 2008

[info]thegrrlgeek in [info]drabble_life

Challenge Fourteen

Challenge Fourteen: Matches

Remember any genre, fandom and the what not can be written about as long as there is some involvement of Matches.

[info]zemnianjoy in [info]drabble_life

/ Challenge 14 "Matches" | Kakyou Kazuki | X/1999 /

Challenge #: 14 / Matches.
Title: Light a Candle
Fandom: X/1999
Character: Kakyou Kazuki with mention of Hokuto Sumeragi.
Warnings: None.. it's perfectly safe.
Song Inspiri': "Out of My Mind" by Duran Duran.

"Light a candle / lay flowers at the door / for those who we've left behind / and the ones who've gone before"

There had been darkness that had consumed him in it's waves of oblivion. Dark stormy climes that boded the very nature of his own heart. Most would of thought him gentle and yet inside that placidity lay the heart of the storm that was manifested in his own dreamscape, a lonely seascape that he did not have the will to push away. Then one day someone lit a candle in that very heart of darkness and illuminated his heart; granted it was a small match but to Kakyou it was everything and the embodiement of life. For the first time in his life Kakyou had tasted the sunlight and the sea and it had started off with a tiny flicker of flame from heart that was as courageous as it was innocent.

Just as soon as it had started that flame went out like the preclude to a tempest. With certainty and with a sinking heart, Kakyou knew that the light would never ever come back again and he prepared himself to mourn until the end of the earth which concievably wasn't that far off anyways.

June 2008

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