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Jun. 1st, 2008


[fifteen - letter] Break My Heart a Little More - Torchwood

Title: Break My Heart a Little More
Author: [info]noscrubs12345
Prompt: #15--Letter
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Pairing(s): Jack/Ianto, Jack/Doctor
Word Count: ~115
Rating: G
Summary: To truly love Jack Harkness, Ianto knows, is to let him go.
Warnings: angst, slash, spoilers through End of Days and Utopia
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Russell T Davies and the BBC. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Notes: Unbeta'd. Please point out any mistakes you may find.

love is not a victory march--it's a cold and broken hallelujah )

May. 26th, 2008


Challenge Fifth-teen

Challenge Fifth-teen: in a written letter sent by mail or give to someone

Remember any genre, fandom and the what not can be written about as long as there is some involvement of a letter.

Apr. 6th, 2008


/ Challenge 14 "Matches" | Kakyou Kazuki | X/1999 /

Challenge #: 14 / Matches.
Title: Light a Candle
Fandom: X/1999
Character: Kakyou Kazuki with mention of Hokuto Sumeragi.
Warnings: None.. it's perfectly safe.
Song Inspiri': "Out of My Mind" by Duran Duran.

"Light a candle / lay flowers at the door / for those who we've left behind / and the ones who've gone before"

There had been darkness that had consumed him in it's waves of oblivion. Dark stormy climes that boded the very nature of his own heart. Most would of thought him gentle and yet inside that placidity lay the heart of the storm that was manifested in his own dreamscape, a lonely seascape that he did not have the will to push away. Then one day someone lit a candle in that very heart of darkness and illuminated his heart; granted it was a small match but to Kakyou it was everything and the embodiement of life. For the first time in his life Kakyou had tasted the sunlight and the sea and it had started off with a tiny flicker of flame from heart that was as courageous as it was innocent.

Just as soon as it had started that flame went out like the preclude to a tempest. With certainty and with a sinking heart, Kakyou knew that the light would never ever come back again and he prepared himself to mourn until the end of the earth which concievably wasn't that far off anyways.


Challenge Fourteen

Challenge Fourteen: Matches

Remember any genre, fandom and the what not can be written about as long as there is some involvement of Matches.

Mar. 23rd, 2008


Challenge 13

Challenge 13: Easter Egg(s)

Remember any genre, fandom and the what not can be written about as long as there is some involvement of an Easter Egg(s).

Feb. 17th, 2008


:FFIV: Rydia of Mist:

Title: Secret Inconveniences
Author: [info]jyuukoi
[info]drabble_life Prompt: #12 - Letters
Word Count: 173
Rating: G
Summary: Rydia takes simple joys in some levels of contact with Edge, no matter what she says to the contrary.
Disclaimer: Rydia is owned by Square-Enix, but if I owned her.. I'd be one happy person >.>
Comments: Hot damn, I'm actually writing something!

Letters that were never returned.. )


A second site

Hello all - happy Sunday. I have created a forum on one of my personal sites to run the challenge. I will not be closing the community here at insanejournal but rather running both. All challenges that are posted here will be posted there as well. With the author's permission, I would like to archive the drabbles created here over at the forum as well. Going forward, if you do not want your story archived on the forum, please let me know and I will not take it. If you have posted a drabble here and do not have a problem with it being archived (credit will be given to the author), please leave me a comment in this post.

The forum can be found at enchanted-minds.


Challenge Twelve

Challenge Twelve Letter(s)

Remember any genre, fandom and the what not can be written about as long as there is some involvement of letter(s) - as in a written/typed letter; not the alphabet.

Also, please share this community with friends, family members and those of your court.

Feb. 7th, 2008


Xenogears: Sigurd Harcourt

Title: Outside Shevat
Author: [info]shukoi
[info]drabble_life Prompt: #11 - Blizzard
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: Sigurd hates snow.
Disclaimer: The character of Sigurd is owned by Square-Enix.
Comments: I've been blocked too, so it's probably not very good.

I hate snow )

Feb. 6th, 2008


eleven: the fire - hp: rl/sb - potentialy nws

Title: The Fire
Author: [info]noscrubs12345
[info]drabble_life Prompt: #11--Blizzard
Word Count: 100
Rating: 15/R
Summary: It may be cold outside, but inside there's a passionate fire burning.
Warnings: slash, implied sex
Disclaimer: Characters owned by JK Rowling et al. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Notes: Ngh. I'm not satisfied with this one. I've been blocked for a while and this is what happens when I try to write anyway. I tried?

Outside the snow is up to his knees and there’s no sign of it letting up any time soon )

Feb. 4th, 2008


Challenge Eleven

Challenge Eleven: Blizzard

Remember any genre, fandom and the what not can be written about as long as there is some involvement of a blizzard

Also, please share this community with friends, family members and your psychologist.

Jan. 27th, 2008


Challenge Ten

Challenge Ten: Band Aide(s)

Remember any genre, fandom and the what not can be written about as long as there is some involvement of band aide(s).

Also, please share this community with friends, family members and maybe your favorite milk man.

Jan. 20th, 2008


Challenge Nine

Challenge Nine: From the beginning

This topic can be taken in many different ways and I am interested in seeing how people run with this. Remember, you're drabble does not have to be a fandom specific but can be from an original-dom as well.

Jan. 1st, 2008


Owners Note

A new year and a new attempt at this community.

I would like to apologize to all who are members of this community. I know I suddenly upped and disappeared. It was not my goal to do so; real life just reared its big and ugly head. As I try and get everything back in order, I am ready to begin posting challenges to this community again. Starting this coming Sunday night (06-Jan-08) I will begin posting challenges again. Should you have a challenge you'd like to see considered, please post it here or in the challenge posting. Also, should anyone like to assist in managing the community, please contact me again by leaving a comment here. All comments are being screened for this post. :)

~ Jenn // awomanapart

Nov. 4th, 2007


Challenge Eight

Challenge Eight: Crutches

Remember any genre, fandom and the what not can be written about as long as there is some involvement of crutches.

Also, please share this community with friends, family members and maybe your body guard.

Oct. 31st, 2007



I would like to apologize for not getting the prompt up this week - a family emergency prevented me from getting online. Prompts will begin again this coming Sunday.

Oct. 22nd, 2007


Challenge Seven

Challenge Seven: Soap

Remember any genre, fandom and the what not can be written about as long as there is some involvement of soap.

Also, please share this community with friends, family members and your fellow inmates.

Oct. 14th, 2007


Challenge Six

Challenge Six: Arrows

Remember any genre, fandom and the what not can be written about as long as there is some involvement of arrows. As this is a broad category, an arrow could be considered the archery arrow, an arrow sign or an arrow key. If I'm missing any arrows, please feel free to use that as well.

Also, please share this community with friends, family members and those you might have met in jail.

Oct. 7th, 2007


Drabble Life Prompt - Leaves

Title: Laughter in the Leaves
Author: myguys_sam_dean
Summary: Written for Drabble Life prompt - Leaves.

Laughter in the Leaves )


Challenge Five

Challenge Five: Leaves

Remember, any genre, fandom and the what not can be written about as long as there is some involvement of leaves.

Also, please share this community with friends, family, enemies or people you've met at sporting events.

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