Feb. 24th, 2010


Round Four: Just when you thought it was safe to browse for icons!


And I am currently in love with Persona 4. and Naoto...and pretty much the rest if the female cast. and the guys. and--

40 icons!

Persona 4 x21

Final Fantasy IV x12

Misc. x7
See Tags.

I'm gonna RENOVATE your ass! )

Oct. 14th, 2009


I'm still alive people! I just don't have access to my own computer, I'm using a friend's computer right now, and as such, I can't do all of my graphics stuff. The moment that I get my computer back, there will be an icon post. ♥

Jul. 10th, 2009


Round Three: It's 2007 all over again!

83 icons!

Final Fantasy IV x17

Tales of... x14
Symphonia x2
Abyss x12

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann x13

Pokemon x6

Mononoke x6

Misc. x27
See Tags

Bang Bang! )

May. 3rd, 2009




ALSO let's play a game of NAME BRANDI'S RP JOUNRALS!

173 Icons!

Tales of... x32
The Abyss x23

Symphonia x4

Legendia x4

Vesperia x1

Final Fantasy IV x42
Mostly Kain.

Fire Emblem x28
You know what, you guys are on your own on this one, too many fucking names.

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann x38
Mostly Adiane.

Legend of Zelda x25
All Vaati.

Misc. x8
See tags.

All of us, all of us sing about it. )

Mar. 4th, 2009



64 Icons!

Tales of The Abyss x21
Luke x4
Tear x3
Jade x5
Guy x3
Peony x1
Dist x2
Ashe x2
Natalia x1

Final Fantasy IV x5
Cecil x2
Rydia x2
Cecil and Rosa x1

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann x8
Kamina x1
Simon x2
Yoko x2
Viral x2
Group Shot x1

Pokemon x7

Misc. x23
See Tags

Must Be A Circus In Town, Let's Shut The Shit Down On These Clowns, Can I Get A Witness? )