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User: [info]forgeahead
Date: 2010-07-21 11:14
Subject: 01 ✏ [video]
Security: Public
Tags:vera misham | forgeahead

[The feed begins with a close up of Vera's sketchbook, on which there is a fairly elaborate drawing of the exterior of the hotel with a large question mark in the upper right corner. It lingers on this image for a while before the sketchbook is pulled away, revealing a very nervous-looking girl sitting on one of the lower bunks in her hotel room. She is silent for a few moments, seemingly unwilling to look directly into the camera until she finally lifts her gaze and begins to speak.]

...Please... if anyone can understand this... c-could you tell me where I am?

[There's a slight pause and a shaky intake of breath as she stares back down at her lap.]

...I want to go home...

[A trembling hand trails up to her mouth and she bites down on her fingernail before quickly reaching over to cut off the video.]

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