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User: [info]oopsalienprince
Date: 2010-07-24 19:22
Subject: ( 001 ) voice
Security: Public
Tags:teddy altman | oopsalienprince

[ there's a moment of poke-y sounding movements as Teddy fiddles with his communicator until he realises that it's recording sdfjkls;dsdf ] [ CLEARS HIS THROAT. ]

Uh - considering that the last time I checked, my building's interior was very different to this, could anyone tell me where I am and [ pauses, a little bemused, and continues with faint amusement- ] I don't know, which door leads back to New York or something? "Because you can't leave" is a kind of creepy message to leave someone, y'know.

[ ... he continues, sounding a little exasperated and not 100% serious ]

Alternatively, if you've seen a kind of goofy looking dark haired guy in a cape anywhere nearby - [ he mutters something quietly about Avengers under his breath ] - can you tell me which way he went?

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