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User: [info]fleaphilia
Date: 2010-07-25 21:20
Subject: ( one )
Security: Public
Tags:sirius black | fleaphilia

[ Sirius is clearly fiddling with the communicator, but has no bleeding idea what he's doing with it, talking to himself with mock-merriment as he fiddles. ]

--catching a train could be this difficult? This year, Sirius, this year you're not going to be late, I tell myself! And I'm not, funnily enough. I arrive with much time to spare, time to find a nice compartment - while someone swans about with his head boy badge - and what happens when I open the door? Merlin only knows what happened, I feel as though I might have just popped in to another planet, this place looks ridiculous.

This looks ridiculous- what even is this. What kind of crazy muggle contraption is it? They've a knack for making everything more complicated than necessary, they have- [ it suddenly switched to video, showing Sirius RATHER CLOSE TO THE COMMUNICATOR, head cupped in his hand and looking incredibly bored and irritated. ] -gods, I haven't even charmed a frog down anyone's trousers yet! If this is a prank, I must commend someone for being terribly imaginative, but it's getting rather tedious now. If I miss the train for my final year of school all because some Ravenclaw decided this was their year for revenge, I suppose I'll be charming a lot of frogs down someone's trousers.

[ ..................... more poking, until he sighs, rather melodramatically. ]

Bloody hell.

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