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User: [info]outofsoap
Date: 2010-07-25 20:03
Subject: voice;
Security: Public
Tags:kaworu nagisa | outofsoap

[he sounds anything but amused. Not exactly upset, mostly just annoyed. Boredom probably has something to do with it.]

This world does not have much to offer. I have tried to talk to the natives, but they are incapable of understanding anything I say. There isn't much I can learn this way.

[short pause.]

How many doors have you opened so far?

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User: [info]outofsoap
Date: 2010-07-19 20:11
Subject: ( 01 ) voice
Security: Public
Tags:kaworu nagisa | outofsoap

[the communicator clicks on! The feed is active, but there's no discernible sound. Maybe just fingers sliding on the communicator and a very soft hum. A few seconds pass before he finally speaks, tentatively:]


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