doggedly out of character.

September 2013


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The Dog Days OOC

Sep. 23rd, 2013


[No Subject]

Sorry I've been afk guys. I've been battling a nasty case of bronchitis since the 7th and I'm still pretty bad. Feel free to poke me if you need any of mine for anything.

Posted via Journaler.

Aug. 9th, 2013


[No Subject]


Just a heads up that I'm going to be kind of scarce over the next few weeks. I'm going on overnights starting Sunday night for the fall toy reset at work. Right after that, my BIL is arriving for a visit and I am also getting ready to go back to school - which means studying to re-take the ACT so I can hopefully get a scholarship and then come to 26th I'll actually be taking classes and having to do homework.

<3 Lena

Posted via Journaler.

Aug. 6th, 2013



[No Subject]

Right, I introduced him with the rest of my other ones but this is Cedric. Aka Hogwarts Prefect, Quidditch captain, Triwizard Champion, winner of the the Triwizard Tournament and newly appointed Head Boy. Yes, he's a bit busy. If you want to plot with him let me know.

I also promise the PB is older than he looks. It makes me sad they make him look a lot younger for tv. When I get settled in my new place I'll make some new icons so lets just pretend.

Aug. 4th, 2013



[No Subject]

Sorry I'm late, I got lost on the internet. <.<

Hey! It’s Amber, and I’m pretty awesome (or not, it depends). My aim is unfilteredamber and everyone should bug me there as often as possible because seriously I get bored.

ANYWAY, THIS IS COLIN HE SAYS HI. Also… you should expect caps, he’s fourteen and he likes big letters, deal with it ;). He’s a fourth year, and a Gryffindor with too much energy and a camera permanently attached to his face. He’s a happy go lucky kid. And he will absolutely talk to anyone, probably at a rapid pace and in a high pitched voice.

Everyone love on him, thanks. <3

[No Subject]

Really quick from my phone, this is Lena with Aura Monthomery who is a 6th year Slytherin. A few things you should know about Aura:

* she's a dancer and she plans to attend WADA after school.

* she's really friendly, no matter house and blood

* she has a twin sister in Hufflepuff

* she's pansexual and pretty open about it

Posted via Journaler.



[No Subject]

OH HAI. I KNOW MOST OF YOU. I'm Trin. I'm in the cold north (hey, you, Tonya, I'm looking at you NEIGHBOR! WOOOO). although it's strangely summer right now. Syracuse already scared me once this summer, though, saw Lake Effect on the news and swore up and down they said snow not rain. My brain is too programmed to deal with Syr's snow fall. aljflkjfs. HELP? XD

Anyways pardon me. I had to open this morning and it looks like I have to close tonight. ZOMG FUN.Anyways. Before I murder coworkers I want to introduce one Marietta Edgecombe. Her info is HERE. Please note I havent deleted her old journal entries. Im not planning on it, either. XD so there's the info link! She's a Ravenclaw first and foremost but she's got some serious Slytherin traits (which previously were cultivated a bit, and can't wait for it to all happen again!) anyways.

And by extension ,ME!


Aug. 3rd, 2013



[No Subject]

Hey, y'all! This is Lena, bringing in one more! This is Patricia "Patty" Stimpson who is a 7th Year Gryffindor and your HEAD GIRL! Patty is friendly and curious and she loves to cook/bake. She's got a little bit of a temper, so there is that, but all in all she's a great girl! I'd love for someone to pick up Kenneth Towler for an ex-bf line, but I would also love lots of friends for her in general and maybe even some enemies as well!

I am also toying with switching to icons of Emma Stone as a blonde, but I am UNDECIDED. Maybe she'll she start charming it blonde now and then LOL

You can see my other characters HERE. GIVE ME PLOT, OKAY? And if anyone wants to log, LMK! I want to do things ASAP!

ETA: Since most of you probably don't have her friended yet - Patty is having a party for all the NOT SLYTHERINS who weren't invited to Teddy's and her post is here. ENJOY!




Tonya here! I think I know most of you but in case I don't here's the run down: I just turned 26 this weekend (yay!), I live in NY but not NYC sadly, I have a college degree in medical anthropology and Spanish but am working in my grandparents' restaurant. And I am bringing you completely new characters for me. Well, it's been a long time since I've played Hermione so you can say she's new.

First is Hannah Abbott, this journal, who is your typical Hufflepuff. She's in her 5th year and will be a Prefect the coming year. She's very laid back and just likes to go with the flow because she finds it's too hard to get worked up about things. She's a little gullible often choosing to blindly believe what her friends tell her. She's a whiz at Herbology and would like lots of friends!

Then there is Ms. Hermione Granger [info]alltheanswers who really doesn't need an introduction. I think we all know her. She wants lots of plots regardless because she's everyone's favorite Know-it-all.

I will also be playing Cedric Diggory once I get his application done but I'm going to intro him anyhow to save time and space. He's pretty much as you remember him too. The "golden boy" and all that. He also is a Triwizard Champion! Though he only one because Harry insists he would have one anyhow but hey, a win is a win right? He will be Head Boy the coming year and is the Quidditch Seeker/Captain if that's okay with the mods to keep that canon. He's nice and smart but a little bit smug at times. He's still the boy you would want to bring home to mum but it doesn't mean he doesn't like to have fun once in a while.

So yes, plots! My contact info is or Eclipsedletoile on AIM if you ever want to chat. I love to talk so don't mind me if I get a little long winded.

[No Subject]

HI everyone! I'm Chele and I just have one girl here with me, Mandy Brocklehurst!

I think most everyone here knows my Mandy? The only real difference is that this Mandy does not play Quidditch. :( She's still a HUGE fan though!

Mandy is incredibly friendly, and normally kind depending on who you are. She's not afraid to fight back but sure she'll give you a chance to prove you're not a complete twat. Her father works for the Ministry and very big against purism and a bit anti-vigilante groups, even if you're trying to do good. He believes no one should think they're above the law. He's a bit of a stick in the mud according to Mandy, so if you're wondering why she complains about him, that's why. xD

She's also cousins with Melinda Bobbin! Mandy loves reading, playing gobstones, taking bets on Quidditch matches and singing. She actually hopes to get into WADA after Hogwarts or work on the WWN as a voice actress. She loves to sing, dance and act! Her face is Victoria Justice and if I could find a way to get a youtube video on the damn journals I would have put a sample of how Mandy sings, but the entry always comes up blank. :( So just head over to youtube sometime and find a song and you'll get a taste of how her voice sounds. SHE LOVES music. She believes she's destined to marry a Weird Sister and she enjoys playing the guitar. :)

I WANT ALL YOUR PLOTS, please! I'm so excited to be back here again!!

and someone should pick up a hottie like Avan Jogia, ~swansong has LOVELY icons of him. I'm just saying...too cute!

[No Subject]

Hi everyone! Holly here, with four. For those of you who don't know me, I'm 23 and I'm a front end manager at Home Depot. This means my schedule is insane and my job can be stressful, so I sometimes end up backdating a lot of things because I'll come home from work at 11 at night, and my brain will be done-est level of done. I'm from New Jersey, so sometimes my slang might get weird, but I try to neutralize my writing for the non-Jersey crowd. I am best at writing fantasy/medieval settings and characters, sooo bear with me if that starts to show. :P

Cho Chang @ [info]heychochang --- One year above the trio, Cho isn't the 'human hosepipe' from canon. Thanks, RP changes! She is generally sweet and outgoing, with surprise bits of spice and flare every now and again. Cho's got a nerdy side that comes out when she's excited, or just among other Ravenclaws. I'm still setting up her journal a bit (my work schedule is INSANE) so bear with me.

George Weasley @ [info]georgefabian --- Still setting him up too. One-half of the Weasley-twin duo, George is full of energy, fun, sarcasm, wit, closet nerdery, creativity, and occasional wisdom. He is friends with just about anyone, as long as they aren't a douche. I am still setting up his journal too. Since we haven't got a lot of Gryffindors, I'd like to branch him out with friends from other houses.

Jasper Dorny @ [info]rufflepuff --- A self-hating Hufflepuff who hates Hufflepuff. Yes, you read that right. Everything that Hufflepuffs typically are, Jasper is not. He is anti-social. He drops profanity every other word. Argumentative, confrontational, insecure, and able to understand and even support the "bad guys" if they're nice to him. He is a very grumpy, unruly teenager. In my headcanon, he dies in the Battle of Hogwarts, but even before then, he's bitter and takes it out on people. And no, he's not sorry. He puts people through ridiculous tests and can be cruel to them to see if they're being nicey nice because they feel obligated, or because they actually care. Good luck with this one.

Nathan Bradley @ [info]twosidedcoin --- Another Ravenclaw one year above the trio. Nathan is impossibly chill and laid-back. Almost nothing will ever faze him, and he's got a healthy dose of sarcasm and insight to balance himself out. He doesn't take sides between Gryffindors and Slytherins because he just doesn't care. He can get along with almost anyone, though he doesn't share much about himself. Nathan is adopted and doesn't know his biological parents, though he's also always known this. Mike Corner is his best friend, though I'd also like him to have other friends too. But Mike is his top bro.

Umm, that's about it! Throw me ya plots!



[No Subject]

Oh hai guys. Alex here with three four.

First up. Narcissa can I just say I'm EXCITED to be playing her again? It's prob been something like a year and a half since I played her (shock horror!). Anyway, Lucius was killed right before Draco's third year and it hit her hard. While Lucius wasn't always the nicest of men they were in love and had very much the same beliefs.

She's a purist but at the same time family comes first and foremost. When Andromeda left she pretty much went along with it as that was what was expected of her and at 14/15 well she didn't know any better, she does miss her a lot though!

Currently though, James has been assigned to protect them and she in complete is in complete denial about how much she appreciates him being around. Lucius's death was incredibly hard on her and really if it wasn't for him/Draco she probably would have killed himself - at first just Draco but yeah. She still struggles today but she is doing a LOT better than she was. So yes expect her to be melacholy at times. Mostly in private though.

Next up is Neville @ some journal cause I'm lazy. He's Neville though. Do I need to intro him? :D

Lastly is Daphne Greengrass @ [info]daphgrngrs though her joural isn't completely set up yet. A fifth year Slytherin, she is a lot milder than a lot of other Slytherins, she prefers having close friends than to world domination - sorry Draco! Still she will be friendly enough to them. Daphne, is also a prime example of a Slytherin mixed with Ravenclaw tendencies. She is ambitious, cunning and highly clever in everything that she undertakes. She wants to succeed at life and is willing to manipulate people to get there but she also considers each situation carefully and sees if it is worth undertaking - in other words she won't rush into things like some of her housemates do (seriously what are they, Gryffindors?). She naturally excels at her class work though a lot of that is due to time spent reading when she was younger even continuing into Hogwarts.

Email = (or above)

Email is the best way to get in contact with me though and I'm happy to do threads and gdocs. Lots of them too!

EDIT: I FORGOT I WAS PLAYING MELINDA BOBBIN TOO. She's a sixth year Puff @ [info]lindabobbin who gets along with pretty much everyone and is a whiz at potions. Her app is in the journal but it's written up for a DH game but you can just ignore that for the moment :P




Hey, everyone! I'm Lena! I'm 39, I live in South Dakota, I have a whole load of cats and I work in retail. I'm most often around to RP on Thursday nights and weekends and I'm really looking forward to playing with all of you!

Here are my characters:

Adrian Pucey [info]notsogreen 7th year Slytherin. He puts on a good act for his housemates, but he's not quite as much of a snob as he pretends to be.

Dorcas Meadowes [info]flirtsalot former Gryffindor in the Maraiders' year, hit witch and Order member. She was close friends with Lily and is still good friends with James.

Ginny Weasley [info]weasleychick probably needs no introduction? She's a 4th year Gryffindor and she's pretty much canon. I would love some friends for her and someone pick up Harry? Please?

Justin Finch-Fletchley [info]justined 5th year Hufflepuff. He's a nice guy, if a bit of a ponce. He's not brilliant at talking to girls and has a somewhat obvious crush on Padma Patil.

Roger Davies [info]charismatically 7th year Ravenclaw, best friends with Alicia Spinnet, a bit of a ladies man, so give me some exes. He's asked Cho Chang out more times than anyone can count.

I lovelovelove plot at all kinds, so COME AT ME with things! I'm cutesized on AIM or you can email me at lenabee at me dot com anytime!