Divisions OOC

October 2021



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Posts Tagged: '%21player:+intro'

Mar. 14th, 2021



New kid

Howdy yall!

This is Di again, with Nehi. He's part of the three musketeers, the single one obvs, and he is an Aziza -- a fairy from West Africa. He's also a stripper at Hunk-O-Rama.

You can read more about him in his profile.

More friends, frenemies, etc, are all neede dand loved.

Jan. 30th, 2021



Welcome to Divisions!

Hello to all the lovely players of Divisions!

Your mods would like to welcome you formally to the game, and offer a 'soft open' for the players who have already been accepted. After intro'ing your characters feel free to start playing tonight if you'd like or take the evening to plot and start tomorrow as you see fit.

As per player vote, this post is being made so that all players can comment to it with the characters that they'll be playing. We won't regulate how you post as we know this format may be new to some players/there are smaller character limits for how much text can fit into a comment/etc. but the basic idea is to comment under this post with whatever introduction you may have made to the OOC if you had been writing up your own introductory post and tell us about the character's your bringing to game too! What does your character do for a living? How may other characters know them or know of them? What places do they frequent? What lines are you looking for? And whatever other juicy tidbits you may find useful to offer out!

But we digress, welcome to Divisions, we're excited for you to see what's inside!

~Divisions Mods