February 2010

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February 13th, 2010

[info]fredthegred in [info]divinus_ooc

[intros are in order!]

Hello, everyone! My name is Ash Marie, but for the sake of simplicity just call me Marie. I am one of the mods here at Divinus Oraculum. SO WELCOME! We were looking to create a trio-era Rp based on the canon with a few twists toward the end of DH, so hopefully we've achieved that. I'm assuming since you're reading this post you have a bit of lingering interest. ^_^

So far I bring to the community three characters: Katie Bell, Jocelyn Rookwood, and Fred Weasley!

[info]medikate//Katie Bell: Katie is a Gryffindor alum as I'm sure most of you are aware. After Hogwarts, she went to school to train as a Healer. The war, however, threw off those dreams. She assisted the Order in the Battle of Hogwarts, but as we know, her side didn't turn out victorious. The Ministry began to establish rules to prevent those of impure blood from rising out of their social class. Kate was prevented from continuing her eduation and had to settle with working as a care partner at St. Mungo's Hospital. She also managed to get pregnant by on-again/off-again boyfriend James Bradley. He doesn't claim the child is his half the time, but uses Katie's baby (Sebastien) to get to her when it's convenient for him. The only other major thing worth mentioning: Katie shares a flat in Tenby, Wales with fellow Hogwarts alum Druscilla Montgomery.

[info]dreamnoverdrive//Jocelyn Rookwood: Jocelyn is Slytherin alum currently in her mid-thirties. She is the younger sister of Augustus Rookwood and currently shares Rookwood Estate with August & his wife. Joss is unemployed, though she prefers the term "socialite." She is high-maintenance but relatively soft spoken in mixed company. Jocelyn is a supporter of the Coalition, and while she doesn't take a physical part in the Archimage's rule, she assists his followers in every way she can. It is also important to note that Jocelyn is in a rather rocky relationship with Rabastan Lestrange. They disagree on many issues, but his connection to her older brother keeps the two rather closely bound. Somewhere deep down, she's certain he couldn't feel any less than what she feels for him.

[info]fredthegred//Fred Weasley: I'm sure you need little introduction on the Weasley twins. ^_^ Of the two, Fred is the elder. He tends to be a little more hot-headed and impulsive than George, often considered the force behind the two while George is the brains. What Fred lacks in empathy, he makes up in genius, alright? At least he likes to think so. He & George pieced together the journals that your characters will be using in this game. The only reason they're not currently serving time in the forced-labor camps is because the Ministry deems their business of further value. The twins will initially piece back together the former Order, but they have no intention of heading it up forever. They will hand it off to another in due time.

Any questions/comments/concerns, please feel free to hit me up on AIM! My SN is sunnywithatwist. Again, welcome to the game. I certainly cannot wait to meet each and every one of you!