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really? [30 Dec 2009|05:51pm]

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[30 Dec 2009|05:09pm]

how does this post make you feel

btw you just lost the game
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[30 Dec 2009|09:34pm]
no one's online for me and i want to talk about boys and nye and life and whatever, who wants to chat and lets pretend this isn't as sad as it sounds :|
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[30 Dec 2009|03:12pm]

Inspired by this, favorite pop song/single of 2009?

for me its a toss up between Whatcha Say - Jason Derulo and Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
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[30 Dec 2009|03:04pm]

I destroyed my phone a few weeks ago and I'm eligible for an upgrade for AT&T in 3 months.
Should I get an iPhone 8GB or a Blackberry Bold 9700?
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[30 Dec 2009|05:00pm]
so my friend didn't tell me that the nye party we're going to has a theme, and i don't have any more time to buy anything else to wear. so tell me, how do i get disco fever out of this? (but mine sits straight, it doesn't poof out and come in like that one)
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[30 Dec 2009|09:45am]

My coworker is out of town until Monday and my boss just called in saying he isn't coming in today. Tomorrow is my boss' usual day off so I am stuck in the office all by myself today and tomorrow. On top of that it is snowing like crazy outside and my car will surely be buried by 4:30! I am slightly annoyed. But instead of posting our last annoyances, let's talk about the last thing to truly make us happy!

For me it would be just how sweet and affectionate my cat has been lately, a lot more than usual.
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[30 Dec 2009|12:50am]
tell me something that you just don't understand.

for me, it would be the whole 16 & pregnant / teen mom thing on mtv. i'm watching part of an episode right now because there is nothing good on late night and it's just batshit insane.
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[29 Dec 2009|10:04pm]

view > page style > no style.

u r beaten
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[29 Dec 2009|10:02pm]

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[29 Dec 2009|09:44pm]
what is your favorite thing to drink?

what do you drink most often?
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[29 Dec 2009|07:58pm]

so i need a loan for school, but idk where to even start looking. i was hoping maybe you guys would know? have you taken out loans before? i'm going to an lvn school at a hospital that doesn't accept financial aid. my mom said to look at government loans, but like i said idk anything about this stuff. help?
11 comments|post comment

[29 Dec 2009|07:35pm]

For those of you who have sold DVDs, where were you most successful? eBay, Amazon Marketplace, Craigslist, other? There are a few movies I never watch anymore and I'd rather get a few bucks for them rather than just donating them (though I'll end up doing that if all else fails).

Two more questions:
(1) What TV shows do you have on DVD?
(2) What is your favorite show of all time?

My answers:
(1) Friends (complete series), Dawson's Creek (1-3), The Office (1-3, 5), Will & Grace (1-4)
49 comments|post comment

[29 Dec 2009|05:40pm]

what was the last thing to make you laugh out loud for real?
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[29 Dec 2009|09:50pm]
div, what kind of shoes do you wear with shorts like these without looking silly?

also, red or blonde?
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[29 Dec 2009|10:35pm]

i doubt i'll have much luck, but do any of you happen to have an invite code for
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[29 Dec 2009|03:15pm]

Do most places of employment use the urine drug test?
Is there anyone who hair drug tests?
And do you think most government agencies hair test?

I know I would be fine for a urine test, but I hear hair tests can go back like a couple years.
If so, I'm cursing my past "I'm experimenting, its college" self.
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[29 Dec 2009|02:30pm]

has anyone ever bought anything from
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[29 Dec 2009|07:44pm]

Rewind to 5 years ago.

Do you think that then if you told your past-self what your life is like now, would they believe you?

What plans did you have for yourself that didn't work out? Which ones did? Which ones were you not expecting at all, for the better or worse?
46 comments|post comment

[29 Dec 2009|11:38am]

Okay guys, it's "help moonpie with something trivial" time!

I don't know what color to paint my nails for New Year's Eve. Of course it's not just NYE but yeah, I wanna look cute and coordinate my outfit. I am wearing a navy blue shirt, khakis, brown or black flats, and this pendant. I want to do grey and white eyeshadow, or blue, depending on what color I paint my nails.

colors )

What color are your nails right now?
What are you doing for new year's eve?
How much do you hate these posts?
20 comments|post comment

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