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stay classy, divierto

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[31 Dec 2009|10:58am]

when you went partying did you always lie to your parents and say you're somewhere you're not? Or did you work something out with them to be honest about where you're going and if you'll be out drinking/whatever. im trying to work something like this out with my parents.
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[31 Dec 2009|09:15am]

Who else is stuck at their office job all day / who else has to work today? I do not want to feel like the only one.
30 comments|post comment

[31 Dec 2009|03:43am]


on a happier note, how was everyone's day!
32 comments|post comment

what the fuck [31 Dec 2009|02:10am]

[ mood | bored ]

Britney Spear confirmed pregnant with 3rd child

so much for "getting herself together" i guess. :/

35 comments|post comment

[31 Dec 2009|02:56am]

how fast can you escape the room, div?
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[30 Dec 2009|11:04pm]

i referee for a derby league and i'm going to be skating in my first BIG bout in january and was told at tonight's scrimmage that i need to come up with a derby name but i can't think of anything! so if anyone knows what the fuck i'm talking about, help a sister out! any movie/book/cartoon/boob references can go!
18 comments|post comment

[31 Dec 2009|12:49am]

old sidekick users and current sidekick users: when making themes i know there is a way to get rid of the picture of the phone where it says 'phone, tmobile' on the main screen but is there any way to get rid of the folder pictures (the globe in the web browser folder, the the clipboard in the to do list folder, etc) or at least make them transparent?
3 comments|post comment

[31 Dec 2009|12:32am]

okay divierto what should i name my new zune:

zapp brannigan, the wall (my computer's name is tilly), or something else? this is very urgent.
8 comments|post comment

[30 Dec 2009|11:30pm]


We would like to thank all of tonights nominees for being so damn terrible at the game we call "life." We would also like to thank God for creating such epic failures, because without him, none of this would be possible. now onto the awards... )
390 comments|post comment

[30 Dec 2009|11:29pm]

kind of similar to this post but how can i make my shiz all private again? like i don't want to be searched or anything. is this still possible?
4 comments|post comment

[30 Dec 2009|11:09pm]

okay so. i have a fifteen inch macbook pro and i've recently had to get my track pad replaced TWICE because of jamming. i am by no means rough with it yadda yadda. it was still relatively new when it jammed the first time and i took it into an apple store and they replaced it. probably just over a week later, it jammed again. after one of the 'geniuses' at the same apple store was extremely rude to me, they replaced it yet again with a new track pad. NOW after having my macbook back for two whole days the disc drive isn't working!!! i try to put a disc in and it does nothing.

is there something i'm doing wrong that is causing the disc drive not to function? if not, do you think i should go back to the same apple store where they treated me like garbage or go to another one to look at it? i am so upset rn :-[
6 comments|post comment

it's time for a sing along, div [30 Dec 2009|10:26pm]

post a lyric to a song
respond to others with the next line if you know it
get carried away
245 comments|post comment

[30 Dec 2009|09:15pm]

What do you do to pass time at work when their is nothing to do?!
I work 8:30-4 tomorrow and it's usually dead for about 4-5 of those hours
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[30 Dec 2009|09:10pm]

help me choose which hat to buy?

Read more... )
21 comments|post comment

[30 Dec 2009|09:37pm]

Cake Boss vs. Ace of Cakes

Which is more entertaining? Which has more talent?
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[30 Dec 2009|05:19pm]

what is more satisfying to you? eating something after you've been starving or drinking something after dehydrating?

totally drinking something. even though food is awesome

edit: disneyland wants to schedule an interview with me but the thing is you have to be so clean cut to work there. i have two visible tattoos. one on each wrist and i was wondering if anyone knew any good kind of makeup for covering them up or even just any tips. i'm sure they won't want me wearing a bunch of bracelets every day so that's not really an option
19 comments|post comment

[30 Dec 2009|07:48pm]

most recent purchase? )

what kind of shopper are you? i literally only buy shit on sale or thrifted, and only if the thing "grabs me and shakes me" aka i can't pass it up.
68 comments|post comment

[31 Dec 2009|12:48am]

so who isn't doing anything for nye at all? i very highly doubt that i will at all and I feel so lame since I'm 20. this is the time I'm supposed to be taking advantage of being young and going out/looking nice. I'm not a drinker at all but it'd be nice to go to some sort of party. I don't even go out on the weekends since I'm really not into clubs/bars and I have no love life to speak of so when I'm stuck at home alone on holidays I feel super lame. hopefully I'm not the only one
31 comments|post comment

[30 Dec 2009|06:17pm]

okay so, y'know your recent activity on your facebook profile? like, "Stephanie wrote on Hannah's wall" and stuff like that. is there any way to hide that? i had it hidden and then all of a sudden something changed and made everything show up again and now i don't know how to change it again! it's annoooying. anyone know?
6 comments|post comment

[30 Dec 2009|03:03pm]

can someone please tell me wtf is going on with tom felton's forehead?

omgwtf )
16 comments|post comment

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