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stay classy, divierto

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[16 Dec 2009|12:14am]
For those of you that have it, what was the last thing you watched on NetFlix?
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[16 Dec 2009|12:22am]
sterotyping readers by their favorite authors

my favorite isn't even listed >:o
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short and sweet [16 Dec 2009|01:28am]
DEMONOID is back up!

ty and g'night.

and so this is for everyone: what was the last really stressful thing you went though and how did you deal with it? I took one of my dogs to the vet today and they are doing blood tests to see if he has diabetes. idk, but I'm freaking out and don't really know how to deal at the moment. Hence the no sleep.
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[16 Dec 2009|02:08am]
who's awake?

post questions so we can answer them or just tell me what's going on in your life.
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[16 Dec 2009|02:47am]
I'm just curious, guys. Tonight my boyfriend and I watched my School House Rock DVD, much to his dismay. I LOVE School House Rock ( yes, I am a nerd ) and he had never seen any of them. I remember they played the heck out of them in middle school.

Did you guys grow up with them in school, too?
11 comments|post comment

[16 Dec 2009|04:36am]
Question. Do you tend to date guys/girls older or younger than you? Around what age range are you generally attracted to?

I just realized tonight that despite my love for older gentlemen (I'm talking late 30s, early 40s), I always tend to date guys younger than I am by two or three years. What the hell?
23 comments|post comment

[16 Dec 2009|09:03am]
Who has the awesome pleasure of having to write a senior thesis? I have two that are due in April, and needless to say, I am just thrilled.

My psych one is on sexual aggression from a neuropsychological and evolutionary perspective, but I have NO CLUE what to write my french one on.

Any thoughts? I was thinking about doing something on blood diamonds and child slavery as the result of colonization, but I dunno.

What are yours on, if you have any?
16 comments|post comment

[16 Dec 2009|09:51am]
This is kind of tedious depending on the size of your collection, but it's fun to do and once you create the playlist, it's an awesome one to jam to!

What are your 25 favorite songs? Make a playlist, screen cap iTunes, and show us, div. Or just type 'em out. If you want to. :)

Mine )

The songs might fluctuate a little, but the artists on my list would most likely stay the same.
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[16 Dec 2009|10:42am]

Read more... )
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[16 Dec 2009|11:36am]
Anyone work/ever worked at a coffee shop? Do/did you like it? Tell me about it, I want to learn :]
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[16 Dec 2009|12:22pm]
show me your day-to-day outfit!
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[16 Dec 2009|12:55pm]
Can you all please, please help a friend of mine out by voting here? They don't send any spam, I promise. This shelter is in 4th place and today is the last day to vote, so please help!

ETA: Thanks to those of you who helped, Ruff HouZen is currently #1!
11 comments|post comment

[16 Dec 2009|01:05pm]
divierto, today is my 21st birthday! :D so help me out a little, what're your favorite cocktails/mixed drinks? i'm going to dinner with the family tonight and i want a drink to celebrate~ but i don't know what to get!

ETA: the restaurant we went to had a wine bar as opposed to spirits~ so i shared a bottle of wine with my parents, but thanks so much for the suggestions and well wishes guys!! <33!
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[16 Dec 2009|01:28pm]
I just got a call from the vet, and Max's tests for diabetes came back negative. He is perfectly healthy for an 11 year old dog. I'm so relieved.

so, div, I know it's done all the time, but tell me about your pets/post pictures/anything you want to about your furry friends.

or how's your day been so far?
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[16 Dec 2009|01:48pm]
fatties/former fatties:

tell me how you lost weight! new years resolution time is coming up and i want as many dieting tips and tricks as i can get. :) what did you do? and how much did you loose?
25 comments|post comment

[16 Dec 2009|02:05pm]
I know I have done this before but for the life of me I cannot figure it out right now. Does anyone know how to change the option for your desktop icons where instead of them lining up automatically you can place them yourself? Like, instead of having line up to a certain spot and them being so far apart from each other you can place them wherever without the computer realigning them?

I have Windows 7 if that matters.
3 comments|post comment

[16 Dec 2009|04:03pm]
this is funny

and what phone do you have? )
35 comments|post comment

[16 Dec 2009|04:13pm]
what time do you usually go to bed?

what time do you usually wake up?

about how often do you go to class?

how many meals do you eat a day?

how often do you exercise?

how much television do you watch?
38 comments|post comment

[16 Dec 2009|05:11pm]
What is that photobooth website for webcams?

I'm changing this to a mrp post.
40 comments|post comment

[16 Dec 2009|06:32pm]
can someone please rip "bad romance skrillex radio mix" for me?

ive tried everything and audacity doesnt work for me :-[
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[16 Dec 2009|07:07pm]
How often do you normally wash your hair?
What's the longest you've ever gone without washing your hair?
43 comments|post comment

[16 Dec 2009|07:08pm]
my favorite professor ever who is also my thesis adviser just e-mailed me saying he wants to buy me a drink to celebrate me finishing my thesis! i love this man so much and i am so excited and amused by this. it is going to be the most amazing night and now i am so happy. i can't stop smiling and laughing about it because i cannot imagine him in a bar, especially in this town haha.

best thing that happened to you today?
14 comments|post comment

[16 Dec 2009|07:58pm]
A school I just settled on wanting to transfer to has a Feb. 15 deadline for Fall 2010.
Think it's still worth sending an app?
12 comments|post comment

20 bucks says none of ya'll dumb white people can kill me. [16 Dec 2009|09:03pm]

What 2010 albums are you excited for?
4 comments|post comment

[16 Dec 2009|11:15pm]
what was the last thing you bought! )
13 comments|post comment

this kid is fucking adorable [16 Dec 2009|11:57pm]
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