stay classy, divierto's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
stay classy, divierto

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[03 Dec 2009|12:37am]
i can't decide what to rent from gamefly. so... what's your favorite video game and why?
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[03 Dec 2009|01:38am]
Need help with my project, y'all. What could've been used as a solution to the Japanese internment camps during WWII? As in, what could the American government have done instead?
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[03 Dec 2009|01:59am]

let the nightmares begin!

i feel like if there is murderous clown about, this will play in the background.
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[03 Dec 2009|07:50am]

anyone else up this early wanna commiserate with me????
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[03 Dec 2009|09:39am]
can anyone tell me how american apparel's unisex fleece hoodies run? are they true to size, smaller, or larger? i don't have a store anywhere near me so i wanna know before i order a few :-\
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[03 Dec 2009|12:12pm]
would you be weirded out if your significant other made an okcupid account or anything like that? his friend sent him a link to the quizzes there and he started taking them, then decided to make an account then said it would be fun just to talk to people. i trust him but it still weirds me out a lot. how would you feel in this situation?
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[03 Dec 2009|12:40pm]
Does anyone else here have a TMJ Disorder?

If so... )

If this doesn't apply to you, tell me what your pick is for your favorite album released this last year. I can always use new music.
22 comments|post comment

[03 Dec 2009|01:01pm]

Show me your favorite comedian div I need a good laugh right now
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HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS [03 Dec 2009|02:21pm]

I am not afraid to admit that I am crying right now.
39 comments|post comment

[03 Dec 2009|03:21pm]
Last thing that made you happy?

I am going to convince my parents to let me be home schooled the last semester of this year. I can't stand high school. I want to gtfo!
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[03 Dec 2009|03:43pm]
I have a $15 gift card to sephora... what should I buy?

Nevermind, you have to spend $35 and I am sooo broke. Who wants it?
31 comments|post comment

[03 Dec 2009|07:46pm]
Do you think the idea of dating is phasing out? I'm in college, and I can't remember the last time I heard of anyone going on a 'date' unless it was for some special occasion like a birthday or anniversary. Sure, people hang out and go to the movies and stuff, but a lot of the time it's in a group. I guess it makes sense, too, because with the economy being how it is, i definitely couldn't afford a date! I'm seeing two guys right now, and the closest thing to a date date I've had with either of them involved him cooking me dinner and then doing homework together, which my mom seemed extremely surprised by.

So, what's your opinion on the romantic scene or whatever nowadays?
23 comments|post comment

[03 Dec 2009|09:07pm]
if you're having a shitty day, play this game

you will feel better, trust me on this one
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[03 Dec 2009|09:10pm]
What is your favorite musical soundtrack and what is your favorite song from it?

I love Spring Awakening and my absoloute favorite song is "The Guilty Ones."
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hi div i'm happy because of what i just made and all its awesomeness [03 Dec 2009|09:15pm]
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[03 Dec 2009|09:38pm]
i just had an emergency appendectomy.

post pictures of cats and food porn to make me feel better!
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[03 Dec 2009|09:51pm]
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[03 Dec 2009|10:44pm]
does anyone scrunch their hair when it's wet to make it curly? if you use a gel or product that enhances the curls/waves or helps it look better, what do you use?
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[03 Dec 2009|10:59pm]
new years resolutions, div? or are those lame? i haven't decided if i think they are a waste or not, considering i never follow through.
19 comments|post comment

[03 Dec 2009|11:32pm]
div give me poems that would be great when read aloud to experimental music opening up for a punk band!!!!
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