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[28 Nov 2009|08:25am]
My lovely kitten decided to haul ass outside when I was away at work and returned with fleas! Now I need to know how to destroy them. Anyone had a flea problem before and what did you use to get rid of these little bastards?

eta: there's a guy outside my house giving some of his stuff away and i really want a lot of it. should i just take everything i want or be content with the lamp and potted plant that i've already grabbed?
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[28 Nov 2009|09:31am]
Since today is in "instate rivarly" game in my state (South Carolina)..I was wondering if anyone else gets into the whole state rivals games? For us it's USC Gamecocks vs Clemson Tigers. I know another is Florida..Gators vs. Seminoles. Who do you root for? I rarely ever catch football games, but this is one is always so important to me. And for those who know what I'm talking about, do you and your significant other or best friend root for opposing teams? My boyfriend is for Clemson, I'm for Carolina. So we'll be a house divided today.
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[28 Nov 2009|12:40pm]
ok i realize this is kind of a ridiculous question, but WHERE can i get one of those hula girls to put on a car dashboard? i've looked forever and i cannot find one, it's kind of important :-/
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[28 Nov 2009|01:14pm]
Guys, post some pictures of things you are craving right now.

delicious )
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since i just got out of the movie .... [28 Nov 2009|02:06pm]
team edward or team jacob?
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interviews with people at a palin book signing, one of the most hilarious things ive ever seen [28 Nov 2009|03:10pm]
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[28 Nov 2009|10:50pm]
uhhh fantastic mr fox was fucking AWESOME so i think if you're going to go to the movies anytime soon, fuck twilight and ninjas and anything else playing, go see it. its style is beautiful and has pristine craftsmanship, and if you like wes anderson movies, it's perfect for you. i'm smitten <3

so now with that sage advice laid down, what's up div
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[28 Nov 2009|11:03pm]
I'm staying awake until 8am when my bus leaves. Let's have a div party tonight! Post whatever you want~
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[28 Nov 2009|11:23pm]
i remember seeing the post about iphone vs blackberry storm, so i kinda know how people like the iphone. but what about the palm pre? the samsung instinct hd? i'm leaning towards just getting an iphone, but it would mean leaving the family plan i have with my parents at sprint for my own plan with at&t so my dad's encouraging me to look into upgrading within sprint. i'm researching palm pre and instinct hd reviews online and stuff, but i'd like to hear any first-hand experiences you guys might have with either of those phones and such.
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[28 Nov 2009|11:34pm]
where do you usually get bumper stickers to put on your car? do you support any causes? and more importantly because i am broke .... is there any place to get them for free?
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