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stay classy, divierto

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[27 Nov 2009|12:20am]
has anyone in here used livenation print at home ticket option? i did, and i'm going to a show saturday but when i printed them there was this tiny black box overlapping two lines on the barcode, on both tickets. same spot. is this normal? i seriously paid like 60 bucks for these so i'm going to be pissed if somethings wrong!

looks like :( clearly i added in the black box here to show you how it looks when i print it, it's not like that on the pdf file
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[27 Nov 2009|12:52am]

my life just got so much better
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please accept [info]pranaferox!!!! [27 Nov 2009|03:17am]
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[27 Nov 2009|04:47am]
can anyone recommend a free program to make icons on a mac?

(sorry if this gets asked a lot i can delete)
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[27 Nov 2009|05:34am]
for those of you who have dated a good friend, was it one of the worst/best decisions you have made?
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[27 Nov 2009|01:27pm]
How cool is that photobooth thing!

33 comments|post comment

[27 Nov 2009|02:11pm]
who are your favourite television families?
blah blah )
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[27 Nov 2009|03:24pm]
I just ordered me some Proactive. Anyone here use it/tried it? Does it work?
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[27 Nov 2009|03:57pm]
I have to imitate three of Lady Gaga's looks for an event in February, and since she has so many and I need to handmake everything, I need to get started. Help me out!

What is your favorite Lady Gaga look? Post pictures!
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[27 Nov 2009|03:59pm]
i'm looking for some new television shows to watch... tell me some of your favorites
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you sexy thang [27 Nov 2009|04:04pm]
Do you believe in miracles?
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[27 Nov 2009|04:21pm]
does anyone have a keygen dl or can anyone give me an activation code for adobe photoshop cs2? i'm pretty sure the ones i just dled that i found gave me viruses yaaay
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[27 Nov 2009|07:52pm]
Does any one have a google wave invite (it is not for me but for this guy I have a crush on =/ I would owe you for LIFE) if not what are you reading right now? Do you like it? I am reading "Just After Sunset" by Stephen King and loving it so much
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[27 Nov 2009|08:44pm]
alright div, which of the two would you have for a pet? scooby doo or astro?

also: name good indie films for me to watch? i want to start getting into indie movies :-(
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[27 Nov 2009|08:58pm]
Post pictures of your pets doing silly things )
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[27 Nov 2009|10:31pm]
do you guys have any weird allergies? i found out the hard way today that i developed an allergy to coffee and ironically i work at a coffee shop :/
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[ viewing | November 27th, 2009 ]
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