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stay classy, divierto

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[18 Nov 2009|05:13am]
LMAO @ me just trying to log into [info]rps

anywho, does anyone have a full version of paint shop pro that's compatible with vista they could possibly send me? :-[ i would love you forever and ever and give you my soul
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[18 Nov 2009|10:05am]


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[18 Nov 2009|12:26pm]
how do you feel about pizza rolls cooked in the microwave?

(if you smoke...) what is your cigarette of choice?
mine are djarum blacks but I'm switching to these for a while.

also, cats or dogs?
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POST YA JAM~ [18 Nov 2009|04:37pm]

get ya get ya lips wet cause it's time to have pep
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[18 Nov 2009|05:12pm]
have any of you ever gone through an identity crisis?? i'm not sure if it's being at an awkward age or what but ugh i wanna get rid of so many of the clothes i just recently bought cause my style is changing. i'll be 18 in five months so i'm maturing and shit but i hateeeee all the money i'm wasting. who else has gone through this or am i crazy??:(

or if i am completely insane what's your last bummer?? there's a show i should be at tonight and i'm stuck at home, lame
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[18 Nov 2009|06:33pm]
don't know if this was posted here yet but it made me giggle

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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[18 Nov 2009|07:47pm]
For everyone who uses contacts/glasses, have you ever contemplated having lasik/laser eye surgery? im 18 years old and have absolutely HORRIBLE eye sight. every time i visit my eye doctor and get new contacts, i still cant see well. so, has anyone ever done this procedure? if so, how was it?
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itt music videos [18 Nov 2009|08:17pm]
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[18 Nov 2009|08:28pm]
Best dog names for a black and white mutt? My friend got one today (no pictures because she can't pick it up from the humane society until Friday after he gets fixed), and we are trying to think of names!!! Readyyyy go!
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[18 Nov 2009|10:04pm]
OKAY... question... cause i'm torn. i went to this thing for foster care parents tonight and this woman said that with her kids she has it so her phone service SENDS her a text every time her kids get a text or e-mail. she said that she got it added to her plan on at&t. now the impression that i got is that when she gets the texts/e-mails it's the full text/e-mail. i had no idea you could even do this. THEN she told us not to say anything because the kid had no idea. THOUGHTS?

i like to think i would NEVER do this to my kid. even if it was a foster kid. idk i just wanted div's pov.

OH OH and all the other parents were asking questions about if they could get it. so if your parents pay your phone bill beware.
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[18 Nov 2009|10:11pm]
Guys, I have no idea how to change the background of the icons on my desktop...can anyone help me out here? By the way, I'm working on Windows XP =/


screenshot )
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[18 Nov 2009|10:36pm]
how do you daydream? what are your daydreams like? do you have control over them, or do they just happen, like sleep dreams?
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[18 Nov 2009|10:51pm]
Last hypocritical thing someone said to you?

My roommate is like THE most inconsiderate person in the world. Last week she had four of her friends come stay over for three days without ever asking anyone in the house if that was okay, let alone me and we share a room. I was studying for a HUGE physics exam the other day for several hours in our room while she played beer pong in the living room, and she then came in and blasted music - when I asked her to please turn it lower, she glared at me, told me that this was her room, and turned it up.

So she just came in and started bitching that she couldn't find anywhere quiet to study and that it was bullshit that everyone playing beer pong wouldn't turn down the music. Bitch, go to the library.
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