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stay classy, divierto

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[17 Nov 2009|12:13am]
since i just did a ton of fall cleaning...

show me your rooms! )

and is in spanish for anyone else, or am i just dumb?
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[17 Nov 2009|12:44am]
show me what you've come across on omegle... )

i need a life guys :/
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[17 Nov 2009|01:22am]
Show me your tattoos!
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[17 Nov 2009|11:33am]
Does anyone know of any hosting sites that won't delete what you upload because of explicit content? I made some ~risque~ icons and they keep getting deleted off photobucket. :\
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[17 Nov 2009|11:55am]

are you guys ready for the holidays? what are your plans?

i'm cooking a big vegan thanksgiving for my boyfriend, and his brother and sister in law may be visiting. then we're going back to florida to see my family for christmas <3 then flying to maine to see his friends and spend new year's with them. first time flying AND first time seeing snow! yay
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[17 Nov 2009|01:43pm]
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[17 Nov 2009|01:52pm]
what up, boo?
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[17 Nov 2009|02:14pm]
What is something that has been getting on your nerves lately?

Me: People telling me/making jokes that I look like Ellen Page.
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[17 Nov 2009|03:04pm]
whats the current temp & where do you live at?
what do you consider too hot/cold for you?

wilkes-barre, PA - temp: 51 - feels like: 51
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[17 Nov 2009|03:42pm]
What should I wear to a Forever the Sickest Kids concert?
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[17 Nov 2009|04:18pm]
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[17 Nov 2009|06:09pm]
how much money did you have saved before you moved into your first apartment?

i'm kind of freaking out right now.
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[17 Nov 2009|08:50pm]
why do you think there is [info]abortion
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[17 Nov 2009|09:44pm]
So on Perez Hilton, he posted a video about how Japanese Chefs discovered a way to keep a fish alive while deep frying it and the fish is sitting on a plate, its head normal but its body cooked, trying to breath as people talk about it and poke at it..sorry for my run on sentence, but

damn, that is sick. sick in a bad way (Perez was also commenting on how it just seems wrong). poor fish...
I don't even want to post the video, if you want to see it though I can point you in the right direction.

What I'm getting at is, what do you think about this? Do you believe in animal rights? Do you believe in Fish rights?
Share happy animal stories if you have any.
Keep it clean.
54 comments|post comment

[17 Nov 2009|10:27pm]
I am going to be writing my final for one of my classes (and giving a presentation on it after) about internet communities dissolving. Do any of you have serious objections to me using divierto as one of the examples?
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[17 Nov 2009|11:32pm]
yall, i love candles, and my last two are about to burn out. this leads me to my inquiry...
what is your favorite scented candle?

mine is apple cinnamon and i get it quite often, but i want something totally different this time.
also, what brand do you usually get (yankee/glade/etc) or is it just random?

p.s. i use potpourri a lot, too, so if any of you are a fan of that, throw some scents (& where you bought that awesomeness) at me.
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[17 Nov 2009|11:51pm]
*Nevermind. Apparently my professor wants me to take it with my class unless it's dire that I can't be there. Well, fuck.

Since I can't make decisions for myself! fairly long explanation / question )
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[17 Nov 2009|11:55pm]
so, who is still doing NANO? how are are you? how much do you have left?

I'm at 46-thousand and some change, it's being a bitch tho :(
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