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stay classy, divierto

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[16 Nov 2009|02:07am]

so who else feels this same exact way?
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[16 Nov 2009|12:01pm]
just some weird news stories, discuss.
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[16 Nov 2009|01:14pm]
okay, so I know some of you ladies have THESE MOCS from target. how would you suggest cleaning them? i got mine in august and they're already completley trashed :( could i throw them in the wash or should i just get a new pair?
10 comments|post comment

[16 Nov 2009|01:40pm]
-how do you store you clothing? do you fold it? put it on hangers?
-how often do you wash your jeans? sheets? towels?
-do you make your bed everyday?
-daily, how many times do you brush your teeth?
-how do you feel about cover songs?
-is IJ randomly not working for everyone else?
31 comments|post comment

[16 Nov 2009|03:34pm]
mrp? )
57 comments|post comment

[16 Nov 2009|03:40pm]
do you have any traditions amongst friends,family,etc?

example: this month for me and buddies it's called "no shave november" which obviously means we can't shave the whole month.
26 comments|post comment

[16 Nov 2009|05:38pm]
What do you guys use at your homepage? Mine is just iGoogle but I'm getting bored with it.
20 comments|post comment

[16 Nov 2009|09:06pm]
div, anyone waking up early to watch this meteor shower tonight? :)
8 comments|post comment

[16 Nov 2009|09:14pm]
I've never used proxy sites before, but I'm at a hospital right now and Facebook is blocked. Anyone know of any I can use?
4 comments|post comment

[16 Nov 2009|10:30pm]
in your opinion, how soon is too soon for christmas music/decorations/etc.? do you start gearing up right after halloween? do you wait until christmas eve?

i'm a strict believer that anything before thanksgiving is TOO SOON.
34 comments|post comment

[16 Nov 2009|10:58pm]
Anyone know where I could find a green pea coat?

What does your winter jacket look like?
13 comments|post comment

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