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stay classy, divierto

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[30 Jun 2009|12:02am]
So Div, I am in desperate need of advice. I recently found out (for sure) that my dad is cheating on my mom. No one knows but me. What would you do?

Also; my mom is very sick, so there's a good chance that telling her will not end well for her health, not just mentally.
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[30 Jun 2009|01:27pm]
I need more active friends, lets have an "Who wants to add me?" post

Interesting fact about yourself:
Picture: [obviously optional]

haaave you met ted? )
88 comments|post comment

[30 Jun 2009|02:07pm]
anyone have any stories/experiences with ear scalpelling?

or any websites with faq?
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[30 Jun 2009|02:51pm]
what is your wallpaper on your cell phone?

mine is predictably of my cat, it used to be of the strawberry blender logo. stupid new phone.

eta - do any of you have etsy shops?
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[30 Jun 2009|03:59pm]
HOLY SHIT. Worst mix-up you've been in?

For background, my boyfriend and his cousin both have the same name. A girl we both know updated her fb status to say "come on toma... i know you're coming through this" and I was like awww fuck. What does this mean? And she told me he got into a really bad car accident, like he was in bad shape. Ensue me freaking out. I don't have his mom's phone number so I can't found out if he's okay. And then it turned out that it was cousin, but the girl didn't know that. I have never been more scared in my life.
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[30 Jun 2009|04:35pm]
i need your help [info]divierto! tonight i'm going to see Transformers 2 with my friend. i told her i'd just buy the tickets on fandango. And right now i'm debating on buying the senior citizen tickets (which i've done once before) which are $7.50 a piece, or just buy the regular tickets for $10.50 a piece. what should i do? be an honest customer, or save myself six bucks? and can the ticket taker say anything to me about it?

also, what's the last movie you saw in theatres? my last was the hangover, and omg it was funny as hell.
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[30 Jun 2009|05:29pm]
Div, what's the last exciting purchase you made?
om nom nom )
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[30 Jun 2009|06:33pm]
Anyone else not finding out about their TAP financial aid yet?

and ps that time of the year again~ Best places to get student loans? :( Private ones. I went through Chase last year but apparently their interest was a little high? Argh. I want to be 12 again not dealing with this crap.
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[30 Jun 2009|08:59pm]
divierto, would you say that you hang out with people who are intelligent? does intelligence rank highly when considering whether or not you'll hang out with someone? would you be friends with someone who was pretty ditzy if he/she was really friendly, funny, a good friend, etc? would it bother you that you wouldn't be able to have "intelligent conversations" with this person?
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[30 Jun 2009|09:45pm]
on thursday, i am scheduled to work 3-8:45, five hours and forty five minutes. i was scheduled this amount of time so that they didn't have to give me a break. (you get a half an hour break at 6 hours) this made me very very angry. then i find out that my bff is also working thursday. but she is scheduled to work 3-9. she gets the half hour break. @#$%^&*! i do not understand why they would not just schedule me the extra 15 minutes when they could do it for my friend!

whats something that has recently brought rage upon you?
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[30 Jun 2009|10:16pm]

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[30 Jun 2009|10:50pm]
when my plan runs out im thinking of replacing my sidekick lx with an iphone 3G s. what are some downsides / upsides to the iphone vs sidekicks?
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[30 Jun 2009|11:21pm]
what was the last compliment you received that wasn't about something you were wearing/how you looked/etc?

a friend of mine recently started putting out a lot more music than before, and he told a mutual friend that it was because of me. he went so far as to call me his muse, which was absolutely flattering.
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[30 Jun 2009|11:49pm]
don't you just love it when people leave you rude comments on a journal you've registered? i know it LOOKS like i'm not using it right now, but for all they know i have a million private entries. besides, just because i own something you want and i'm not currently using it does not obligate me to give it to you. life doesn't work like that.
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