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[11 Mar 2009|01:03am]
quick! what's the name of that hip area in london where all the hippies and scene kids sell things like scarves and hand made jewelry and shit? i can picture it in my head, but i can't for the life of me remember which street it's on. i'm sure this is kind of vague...sorry D:
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i know you hate these div but whatever [11 Mar 2009|01:33am]
What's your favorite (or whatever) quote from a movie about love?

Mine at the moment is "So how does it happen, great love? Nobody knows. But what I can tell you is that it happens in the blink of an eye. One moment you're enjoying your life, and the next you're wondering how you ever lived without them" from Hitch
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[11 Mar 2009|10:08am]
is there any watchmen gifs floating around yet? if not, could someone maybe make me one of the very beginning when the bob dylan song is playing/it's going through the timeline, and the hippie girl sticks a daisy in the gun, and then the gun gets fired and it explodes? god i swear i would love whoever did this for the rest of my days :-[

or where can i find a really simple program to learn how to do this for myself, on a mac?
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[11 Mar 2009|10:08am]
have any of you guys ever lived in a housing co-op? if so, how did you like it?
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[11 Mar 2009|10:47am]
I know this is done a lot but, book recommendations?
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[11 Mar 2009|11:28am]
Have you ever seen a movie, show, or read an article where stereotyping was being portrayed?
What was it, and how did it make you feel?
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[11 Mar 2009|03:05pm]
this might be obvious but i've never done it before; how do you copy a dvd to a computer? i have a mac btw
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[11 Mar 2009|04:11pm]
i understand i have a post right below this, but this blew me out of the fucking water:

1 in 7 believe that women should be hit for dressing sexy in public
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[11 Mar 2009|07:02pm]
does anyone know what the difference is between 3G and the edge network? i have a sidekick 3 right now and i know it runs on edge but idk if it's worth it to spend the extra money to get a 3G phone.
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just out of curiosity [11 Mar 2009|07:11pm]
Do you see yourself as the kind of person that would get married/have kids? What kind of wedding would you want to have if so?

Or if you are married/have kids, is it what you expected it to be like?
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[11 Mar 2009|08:10pm]
OMG who is watching antm >:o i need to vent about these makeovers
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Gotta love Yahoo Answers, right? [11 Mar 2009|08:35pm]
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[11 Mar 2009|09:59pm]
So what's up with ANTM casting for models 5'7 and under? Uhhh... that's not a model, sorry.
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[11 Mar 2009|10:13pm]
almost everyone has at least "one of those relatives" that everyone can't stand in their (extended)family. who is it in yours? why?

my aunt mary, who was married into our family, is causing a ridiculous and unnecessary stir through e-mails. long story short, my aunt maddy just kicked some ass and sent her a vicious e-mail back haha. and our family is pretty tight-knit too, so i hate drama :(
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[11 Mar 2009|10:36pm]
heeeeey, what are you guys addicted to? For me it's painting my nails and world of warcraft.
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[11 Mar 2009|11:06pm]
i don't know if this has been talked about but how fucking stupid does 'tough love' on vh1 look?? i read the article in cosmo and couldn't believe the shit this guy was saying.
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[11 Mar 2009|11:10pm]


Is Michael C. Hall (Dexter) a read head?! I've always thought so, but...apparently he's not?
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