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[15 Feb 2009|02:20am]
last thing you made?

me )

They're so cute ^___^
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i'm not crying - it's just raining on my face [15 Feb 2009|03:15am]
i'm at work right now - my phone sex gig - and i'm on this phone call with this guy with a new zealand accent who sounds JUST LIKE JEMAINE FROM FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS.

i'm talking dirty, as comes with the territory~, and am trying SO HARD not to bust up laughing because i keep thinking about Business Time. tell me about a time when you had to be serious, and found it really hard not to laugh: GO!
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[15 Feb 2009|02:10pm]
so i have a research paper due tomorrow and it is kicking my ass. the topic is self-injury and i'm having a lot of trouble figuring out how to start it. any ideas? tyyy.
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[15 Feb 2009|03:36pm]
what flat iron do you use and what setting (or degree) is it on?

i have an 1" matrix sleek look and i use up to 300ยบ fahrenheit.
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[15 Feb 2009|04:05pm]
i know it's over and i know most of us ~hate~ the holiday but we all love the candy. so what is your favorite kind of valentine's day candy?

gobstopper hearts and reese cup hearts for me!
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idc if i'm asking your opinion late. [15 Feb 2009|04:13pm]
i mentioned to my brother about blink-182's reunion, and he was as underwhelmed as i am. we were talking about their last cd before they broke up and stuff and how we weren't big fans, and then i went "the only blink cd i absolutely love is--" and he finishes my sentence with "cheshire cat. i totally agree."

THERE IS NO WAY HE COULD'VE KNOWN THAT, but lord, do i love him. we just busted out that cd and laughed hysterically at mark's airplane! impression at the end.

so how do you feel about blink's reunion? positive? negative? just don't give a fuck?
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[15 Feb 2009|05:12pm]
has anyone here taken mucinex? what are the side effects? i've been really stuffy for days on end and i asked my mom to go buy some, but i don't really know anything about it. will it make me nauseous or anything?
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[15 Feb 2009|05:38pm]
friends are fun! comment and see if anyone wants to add you.
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[15 Feb 2009|08:19pm]
what are those russian toy things called where it's like a wooden person &then it opens in the middle &there's another one on the inside? there's like 5layers usually &they get smaller &smaller? i would gurgle it but idk what to search.
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[15 Feb 2009|08:21pm]
What song(s) describe your life/feelings at the moment, divierto?

-"Lions, Tigers & Bears" by Jazmine Sullivan and "Know You Now" by Amy Winehouse for me.
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[15 Feb 2009|08:27pm]
how do you guys feel about online colleges? do you think it's a good idea since you have the convenience of being at home and online at the same time or do you think it's a bad idea, because you can't actually see the teachers or go in depth into discussions even if there's message boards to discuss your subjects? or do you think that they can be both good and bad with the conveniences and flaws?
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[15 Feb 2009|08:59pm]
What are some of your favorite things to do in the Summer time?
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[15 Feb 2009|09:10pm]

i left lynchburg, va to get home in middletown, de which is a five hours drive but we got lost in washington d.c. and it took 8 and a half hours!

holy moly

how are you guys? how was your day :D

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[15 Feb 2009|09:13pm]
What do you guys think when people talk about something they're doing in front of people who aren't invited? I don't mean total strangers, but for instance, tonight a bunch of my co-workers are going out to dinner for one of their birthdays. I talk to all of them, I'm friends with them on Facebook, and the girl whose birthday it is happens to be in one of my classes. All night at work they're talking about the plans for the night. Annd honestly, I felt more uncomfortable than offended. Whenever they started talking, I tried to move away from them because I felt like they'd be all, "Oh shit, we didn't invite her." But then again, they apparently don't have etiquette because they talked about it in front of me plenty of times during the night.

How would you guys feel? If you're cool with your co-workers, but not super close, do you feel you should be invited to things that everyone does together? I don't really know how I feel about this completely, I'd just like opinions.
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[15 Feb 2009|10:06pm]
i think something like this was asked the other day but i don't remember if it was for sure. where are some places besides ebay and etsy can i sell some home-made crafts like jewelry and accessories and stuff or other random things like ipod/DS cozies?
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[15 Feb 2009|10:22pm]
What kinds of questions would you ask someone who was a social worker for NYS Office of Mental Retardation and Development?
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[15 Feb 2009|10:33pm]
What foods do you hate? for me it's anything with cheese in it.
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[15 Feb 2009|10:33pm]
DIV, for those of you who write, how do you flesh out your characters beyond just a name and age? How do you help define them? (I know a while ago there was a form thing that you could fill out, anyone have a link?)

For those of you who don't write, if your life was a book what would the main character be like?
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[15 Feb 2009|11:00pm]
is anyone a nurse / studying to be a nurse?
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[15 Feb 2009|11:07pm]
What's your favorite movie? What should I rent?
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[15 Feb 2009|11:47pm]
helllp, does anyone know the website jac vanek gets her bracelets from?
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