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stay classy, divierto

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[07 Sep 2008|12:53am]
do u believ in online luv??~*~ )
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[07 Sep 2008|07:07am]
is anyone else watching the vmas tonight? i am so excited to see my britbrit even if she isn't performing i dont even care. i love that girl. and of course the jobros.

also: such good times

EDIT FOR THOSE WHO CARE! [info]2008vmas
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[07 Sep 2008|12:02pm]
who wants to help me with a few problems on my math homework? it's geometry review, and I forgot some of this shit. I wish i had a designated math buddy online.
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[07 Sep 2008|12:39pm]
I'm going to a Post Secret event in November...has anyone ever gone before?
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[07 Sep 2008|01:08pm]

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[07 Sep 2008|01:41pm]
divierto, what was the last thing someone said about you that completely took you off guard?

i was talking to the manager for a store i just applied to work at yesterday and the woman told me that i seemed kind of TIMID and that it might be a difficulty in dealing with shoplifters. TIMID.
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[07 Sep 2008|02:01pm]
i just changed my layout to something a little more fall-centric and now i'm really excited for halloween, october and fall in general.

does anyone else have exciting plans for next month to look forward to? what are they?

ALSO, is anyone else here on deviant art? i've started drawing again and i want to start some kind of page for my work, but i don't want it to be a myspace and i can't figure out deviant art. can anyone explain it to me maybe? :( please and thanks
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[07 Sep 2008|02:19pm]
I have some beauty questions for you [info]divierto:

my problem )

Are there any beauty secrets or whatever you have, div? Let's share!

To exfoliate my lips, I dampen a washcloth and press it against my lips and then take a bit of sugar and rub it on back and forth. Then, I take the washcloth and wash it off.

After shaving I put on aloe lotion to reduce redness and if I cut myself shaving I dab on Neosporin and it heals right in front of me.

I was surprised to hear how few people do this, but after showering/bathing I ALWAYS moisturize. It makes my skin feel silky. :)
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[07 Sep 2008|03:48pm]
What are you craving right now?

Not just a passing "Oh I'd like to have this...yadda yadda". I mean you'd kill in cold blood for a certian thing. :]

My craving is cornbread. I've wanted it for about a month now but I am so busy with University that I don't have time to buy the ingrediants!
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[07 Sep 2008|04:12pm]
I have my first ever job interview on Tuesday, and I'm really nervous.

Any tips for me? It's at McDonald's if that helps. Also, anyone work there before?
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[07 Sep 2008|04:25pm]

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[07 Sep 2008|04:49pm]
does anyone know where i can get the full game of fashion dash?
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[07 Sep 2008|04:54pm]
"100 Movies in a Year" lists?

Here is mine from last year and here is the one I just started :-)
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[07 Sep 2008|05:15pm]

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Man I don't want to do homework [07 Sep 2008|05:44pm]
what did you guys buy last? )
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2 in a row, sorry div is slow today [07 Sep 2008|06:50pm]
I use Firefox and at random times I can only watch videos (youtube etc.) and other media (Pandora) without sound and it only gets 2 seconds in. I restart Firefox and that helps but then an hour later it happens again. Has anyone else had this happen? Or know how to fix it?
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[07 Sep 2008|07:05pm]
divierto, if you had a friend who was convinced (and trying to convince you) that she was pregnant, but refused to take a pregnancy test, what would you think? now, adding )
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[07 Sep 2008|07:21pm]
The Dark Knight: Disney Style

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[07 Sep 2008|07:32pm]
I know, I know, everyone hates homework help questions. But in this instance, I really can't ask anyone here. This is a notice: CALLING ALL PEOPLE FLUENT IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE. Here's what I'm asking:

Ask one of your friends who speaks a foreign language what language they studied and why, what difficulties they experienced and at what moment in the learning process, their teacher's style and whether they liked it or disliked it. Finally, find out how long did it take for them to be fluent in that language and what, in their opinion, contributed to their success.

Anyone who can help me is seriously made of win and I will love you forever :*
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[07 Sep 2008|07:34pm]
omg are we gonna do a vmas chat/community?
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[07 Sep 2008|07:35pm]
If my mom mailed me out a package early yesterday morning, and paid for priority shipping, is there a chance i'll get it tomorrow? I'm so impatient I want my new phone lmao :(
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[07 Sep 2008|07:36pm]
This may be too soon, but is anywhere hosting the VMAs online yet? Or even a live stream online? I don't have a tv at school :( and the mtv clips just aren't doing it
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[07 Sep 2008|07:41pm]

You can do my college research and study for my SAT, and then do homework. Yay.

What are you up to?
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accept ~voldemort plz [07 Sep 2008|07:56pm]
I know there's some sports people here. I just saw on ESPN2s ticker that a Patriot player said Matt Cassel (backup qb) would be their qb for the rest of the year. The hell? I know Brady hurt his knee but wtf. Is this ridic or what, if they honestly called it for the entire year?
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[07 Sep 2008|08:56pm]

my boyfriend sent me this today and i thought you guys would find it amusing.
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[07 Sep 2008|09:08pm]
hi, who's in your icon?

also, i just started using my journal again and want to make some friends, comment to see if anyone wants to add you!
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[07 Sep 2008|09:27pm]
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[07 Sep 2008|09:42pm]
Is there any place that has tonight's episode of Entourage online, do you think? My mom canceled our subscription to HBO and its downloading right now :[
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THE WORST OF BOTH WORLDS? [07 Sep 2008|09:50pm]
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[07 Sep 2008|10:42pm]
Who has scribbld and wants to add me? :-[

Also, have you ever had mood swings or became really emotional because of the pill? I'm not sure if it's just a phase or if it's influenced by the pill.
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[07 Sep 2008|11:10pm]
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[07 Sep 2008|11:18pm]
[ mood | moody ]

Everyone always talks about bands/singers they love. But what musicians do you hate/dislike or irritate you?

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[07 Sep 2008|11:22pm]
sorry i know i just posted but... thought you guys might find this interesting.

i just went to russell brand's facebook fan page and some idiot said:

Kory Callahan (N. Colorado) wrote
at 11:03pm
Your not even keep your political thoughts to yourself. Go back to the UK where they like you there. Vote McCain!!!!

*EDIT: i replied with

Emily Gold-Pitegoff wrote
at 11:19pm
Kory you are an idiot. This is why other countries hate America and most republicans.

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[07 Sep 2008|11:46pm]
This may sound a little ridiculous, but do any of you know if sex can (or maybe any physical activity) could affect someone who is hypoglycemic? My roommate was doing pretty good before she spent the weekend with her boyfriend, and they had a crap ton of sex. I'm estimating maybe 10+ times since Friday. (yes, I know this information...considering I'm close with both of them and he felt inclined to tell me yesterday they were up to 7 times lmao) They were supposed to be back hours ago so I sent a text message to check up on him. Her boyfriend informed me she was having an extremely rough day with it and has gone out I think he said 5 times? aka gone almost unconcious or something and needed him to shove a tube of glucose down her throat.

I figured I'd ask in case anyone knows anything or has any suggestions of what she / they could do, because I'm probably going to hear about this if it continues to happen haha and they probably won't look for a solution. She seems to do a lot better when she's not around her boyfriend or being as active. I told him to feed her between sessions or something lmao but I highly doubt they did that. &She gets massively stubborn and pissy when she's crashing, refusing help, so a preventative method might be kind of awesome.
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[07 Sep 2008|11:52pm]
my dog has an obsessive compulsive disorder with nibbling. it doesn't bother me too much because he never CHEWS anything, never puts holes in anything, he'll just nibble things with his front teeth and it's more annoying than anything, especially while i'm trying to sleep and he's nibbling on my blanket. after asking around on the internet why he does it, someone suggested that he may have a broken tooth. i looked into his mouth and noticed that all his teeth were fine, except for one of his bottom front teeth. it's crooked, loose, and is slightly discolored (all his other teeth are perfect, this one just looks like it has a cavity or something.) what can i do about this? will he be okay? i have absolutely NO money to take him to a vet.
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