February 12th, 2016



[No Subject]

Who: Messrs Stark & Jarvis, your hosts; Ms Peggy Carter, Ms Natasha Romanoff, Mr Bucky Barnes, Mr Clint Barton, Mr Scott Lang, & Mr Steve Rogers. We regret that guests cannot be accommodated.
What: A dinner party.
Where: Tony's penthouse.
When: Around eight o'clock in the evening. Try not to be fashionably late, svp.
Note: Because an eight-man strategy session is likely to get unruly, the way we'll be conducting this is as follows: during dinner, everyone at the table will get a couple of uninterrupted minutes to make their case. Tony starts things off here. From there, if you want to get in on the sharing sesh, the randomly-generated posting order is: Clint, Scott, Peggy, Natasha, Bucky, Steve, Jarvis. Everyone gets one IC tag in this thread. Because the format of the actual dinner discussion is truncated for logistical reasons, if you want to hash out any additional reactions, discussions, or other strategizing funtimes OOC-wise, take it to this thread and go back and forth amongst yourself to your heart's content. After dinner, everyone's been invited to stay as long as they'd like, so mill around the fireplace, find yourself a guest room, chat on the balcony, have a smoke in the library - whatever's most conducive to your plotting needs. (Just don't go into the west wing Tony's workshop.) Post any non-dinner IC threads as you would to any group scene; just reply to the main post.

they needed to start thinking together. pulling in vaguely the same direction. holding, at the very least, the same rope. )