December 7th, 2015




Please comment to this post if you'd like to affiliate.

[info]find_a_pb [info]find_icons [info]pb_updates

[info]bite [info]citycalmdown [info]eronn_rpg_icons [info]etudier [info]fate_icons
[info]flavoroflife [info]gimcrack [info]hikky [info]infidel [info]limitbreak [info]omnia_vincit
[info]otoko_dake [info]robins [info]seethesoldiers [info]shibacon [info]tomorrowpbs [info]zerosugar

more like guidelines
⇒ These icons are not bases. Please ask before you alter – I will most likely say yes.
⇒ Comment and credit are not necessary, but always appreciated. Here is how to do it.




PB list


Arranged alphabetically by last name. Except for people with stage names.
Browse by tags?
Request someone?

girls )

boys )

misc )


Of note: I do not usually make banners for the people I icon, but if you would like one, drop a line in the entry and I'll get to that.