May 20th, 2010



[manip] Hugh Dancy

Very much a WIP: Hugh Dancy as James (or Harry!) Potter. Hugh's eyes are hazel-y so I guess James is more appropriate. It's really hard to get his glasses to not look pasted on, but I think I've developed a working system. The banners still suck though; you can get away with sooo much more in an icon. I'm being fairly selective with the photos so that he doesn't look 18 in one and 30 in another. His hair also gets darkened in some.

I'd appreciate it if you could credit [info]discolure for this set. Will be updating this post sporadically as I make more.

Hugh Dancy (18. +2 banners)

Like father like, well you know. )

I may be having a bit too much fun with this.