Step Into the Fandom Dimension

Stargate: Atlantis McShep recs @ 02:36 pm

Current Mood: hopeful

I've been delayed on putting together a rec list, but over at [info]atlantisslash we've been pimping our favourite stories. Here are all of the tagged entries.

(BTW, if you're an Atlantis fan and haven't joined [info]atlantisslash yet, please do! And let us know what your favourite stories are -- we'd especially love to expand beyond McShep.)

New HP writing/drabble community @ 03:48 pm


Still under construction. It will feature writing prompts where any HP pairing/rating/AU works will be welcomed and encouraged. It's mostly for drabbles, but longer stories are fine, since I fail at word counts. :)

Go on, join, spread the word...I'll love you forever if you do! :D

I'll get that Fred/George recs list done soon, it's been tough since most fics have either been moved or locked down. *kicks LJ/6A*

Step Into the Fandom Dimension