Apr. 10th, 2011


Who: Colt (Cass probably later) and Sam (OTA others)
What: hunt!
Where: park between the apartments and houses
When: April 9th; Late morning
Rating: TBD


Who: Ashley Stevens and Open.
What: She saw it coming, thanks to the medicine.
Where: Second floor of the apartment complex.
When: April 9th; Late morning
Rating: TBD

Apr. 9th, 2011


Who: Colt and Cas (open)
where: Their place
what: Unpacking

What if I wanted to break? )

((ooc: This will be the only time I joint post them))


who: Sherry, Cas, (open)
where: Sherry's place
When: early morning
What: Big bad wolf

Okay we know the pills work, NOW UNWORK! )

Apr. 8th, 2011


Who: Cas, Sherry
Where: Her place
When: Early morning

Apr. 3rd, 2011


Who: Sherry, doctors, Cas as moral support?, open to anyone else who wants to jump in
What: First appointment
Where: Doc's office yay
when: 11 ish am

I fear what they'd do if they find I've escaped / I fear what they'd say if they find I play, I get scraped. / They want you to think it's possible to live a life without their chains /But if you, if you go too far, you'll find they're pulling on your reins. )

Mar. 28th, 2011


Who: Leon S. Kennedy and Open.
What: He just got done moving everything in.
Where: Outside his house.
When: March 28th; late morning.
Rating: TBA


Who: Sherry and Cas (Open for any gate crashers!)
When: Mid afternoonish
Where: Apartments then in town
What: Hunting down really good pie
Why: Why the fuck not XD

Add witty text here )