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7/27/07 11:11 pm - [info]sleeplesssword - Prompt asking

*waves* I'm currently in a bit of a writers block and need some help getting out of it. Thus I'm willing to take some prompt ideas.

Few Guidelines:

1. I don't do smut. Never will and don't think I will in the likely future. Please refrain from trying to push my comfort zone with prompts that skate close to potential smut.

2. I am not a fic machine and have a life, so if you give me a prompt please don't get antsy and prod me to write faster.

3. I normally write Rabi/Kanda, Rabi/Allen, Allen/Kanda; but I'll give anything a shot provided I know who the character is and I'm not adverse to weird and off the wall pairings. Het, Yuri, Yaoi, OT3, etc I will do my best to do.

4. I'm mostly manga and have only started to watch the anime so if the character is not in the manga I more then likely will not know who you are talking about.

Sorry if that seems pretentious, but I don't want to just go "Have at thee" and then disappoint because I can't do something and didn't warn about such. *scurries away*
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