D.Gray-man Dressing Room

Does this Innocence make my butt look big?

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The D.Gray-man Dressing Room - IJ Style!


March 24th, 2012

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[In one of these rooms, there's Tyki lying on a couch with a pillow on his face. He appears to be napping and actually does look decent today (sans the cloak he usually wears and all).

And for once, he seems like any normal Tyki that would lurk around in the Dressing Room.]

January 12th, 2012

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[There's a Tyki in one of the rooms, his cloak tightly wrapped around him. He's sitting on the ground, playing with a kitten with one of his hands. While the kitten nibbles on one of his fingers, a faint smile appears on his face.

Just ignore the faint smell of blood surrounding him.]
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