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Deviant Strain

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December 6th, 2008 6:53 am
Claim: Lee Yeonhee [
Player's Name: Kate
Character's Name: Lee Yeon Hee
Character's IJ:[info]yeonhee
Nationality: Korean
What are they from? Actress

Human/Mutant/Vampire: Mutant
Ability: Power Negation
Preferred RP Style: Paragraph over IJ
Anything Else: Well, it's been awhile since I've joined RPGs--I've been lurking this community for so long but I didn't have the guts to join. It seems I've finally worked up the courage to do so. ^^ Ask me any questions and I'll be willing to answer. :D
18 mutant strains      mutate     

[ viewing | December 6th, 2008 ]
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