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October 1st, 2008 9:20 pm
Claim: Choi Jonghoon [
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | DBSK - Mirotic ]

Player's Name: Lilly
Character's Name: Choi Jonghoon
Character's IJ: [info]gitahero
Nationality: Korean
What are they from? FT Island

Human/Mutant/Vampire: Mutant
Ability: Invisibility!
23 years ago, Jonghoon was born in New York where he was raised in a life of luxury, provided by his father, the owner of a chain of grocery stores. He went to a private school, spent summers out of the city and received a car for his birthday before he got his license, spoiled by his father who worked hard to achieve the luxury he had never had as a child himself and thought that it'd be enough to compensate for all his business trips and the painful divorce who split Jonghoon's family when he was nine. The fights didn't end when the papers were signed and Jonghoon grew up, used to switch between his parents' homes.

Whenever he felt too upset and close to burst from the angry voices arguing over the phone or sweet whenever they talked to him and intentionally or not, tried to make him pick a side, Jonghoon would take a breather by hiding somewhere, gone from anyone's sight, invisible. It had turned into a convenient escape even if it had freaked him out the very first time he can recall realizing it.

Back then he was seven and his parents had another fight, angry cries and threats exchanged between the people who had long forgotten the feelings that had connected them in the beginning. The little boy fled from the dining room to hide in his bedroom under the covers, wishing as usual just to disappear, and his mother followed him upstairs to appease the son who carried her husband's features but she still very much loved. But when she pulled the covers only sobbing sounds came from where she expected Jonghoon to be, his outlines still clear in the sheets. She was frozen and he was confused, able to see himself even in an invisible state, at least until he looked at himself in the mirror. Fortunately, Jonghoon succeeded to calm himself down and return to his normal state and in the end it was all kept between the two of them. In time Jonghoon improved his ability until he could turn medium objects invisible with his touch but he had never dared to do it with living creatures.

In school among the many club activities, the music club was the only that kept his interest over the years. Jonghoon had already discovered his passion for music at the piano lessons his family made him take since he was a child but the guitar was the instrument that also attracted him once he was actually given a choice. He even joined a band, using it to channel out his feelings.

After graduation, Jonghoon went on to study Business at a New York university, knowing he'd have to take on his father's company in time but not planning to make it easy. He is still in his third year, spending more time with the band he formed three years ago than studying, uses his father's fortune without any guilt to pay for any expenses he can't cover, and shares an attic apartment with Hentai, his six months old Pug.

Preferred RP Style: I prefer paragraph style on IJ :D
Anything Else: Hi everyone! ^^;

13 mutant strains      mutate     

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