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August 1st, 2008 12:50 am
kim junsu (xiah) [
Player's Name: jamie
Character's Name: kim junsu
Character's IJ: [info]xiahkim
Nationality: korean
What are they from? dong bang shin ki (dbsk/dbsg)

Human/Mutant/Vampire: human
Ability: n/a
snip, snip! )

Preferred RP Style: paragraph, present tense, over ij is my preferred choice, definitely. :)
Anything Else: umm, i guess i could describe what he wears as xiah? usually he's in mostly black. casual jeans, snug but not tight, though they're darker than regular wear, black boots. he wears a black wifebeater beneath a longish black jacket (think angel, that vampire show? XDDDDD had to do it, that was a sexy jacket).

also, i took a lot of liberties with the background, so let me know if it's okay/not okay? D: it's been a while since i had to do a background story in an rpg.
27 mutant strains      mutate     

August 1st, 2008 4:56 pm
claim: lee hongki [
[ mood | bouncy ]

Player's Name: Meggggggggggggy
Character's Name: Lee Hongki
Character's IJ: [info]kikissme no it's not a stutter but a play on his name >(
Nationality: Alien. Korean
What are they from? Jailbait come n get it. Ft island.

Human/Mutant/Vampire: Mutant
Ability: Empathic Mimicry

we like cuts )

Preferred RP Style: paragraph~
Anything Else: I hate it when people are right. I didn't mean for this claim to be so long btw ;;

18 mutant strains      mutate     

[ viewing | August 1st, 2008 ]
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