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April 27th, 2008 12:00 am
Player's Name: Aloh
Character's Name: Ayumu
Character's IJ: [info]koi_no_ochitara
Nationality: Japanese
What are they from? Japanese gay porn studio Go-Guy+

Human/Mutant/Vampire: Mutant
Ability: Mind Healer
ā€¯Because )

Preferred RP Style: I'll take anything.
Anything Else: About the ability:
Ayumu has the ability to see people's 'aura' and the 'darkness' inside. Through touch he absorbs the 'dark' into himself, replacing it with his own 'light.' The recipient is mostly unaware of this happening except that they feel emotionally/mentally better.
Ie: If someone was having a bad day, a grey streak would be in their aura, which Ayumu could see. Ayumu could then rub that persons back, or even touch their hand, and pull that grey out and that person would only feel as if the day wasn't so bad anymore.
However, since Ayumu is losing little bits of his own aura in this exchange, it has a physical effect on him causing his body to weaken and to be susceptible to diseases. The more 'darkness' he takes in, the weaker he'll physically be and the more likely he'll be to get sick. As such, growing up Ayumu was often hospitalized since he couldn't properly control his ability. (The doctors diagnosed him anemic.)
3 mutant strains      mutate     

[ viewing | April 27th, 2008 ]
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