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March 22nd, 2008 11:01 pm
CLAIM: Yamapi [
[ mood | sore ]

Player's Name: It's not me again. Nope >_>
Character's Name: Yamashita Tomohisa (Yamapi, yo)
Character's IJ: [info]yamapeas
Nationality: JAPANESEEEEE (shock!)
What are they from? NEWS!!

Human/Mutant/Vampire: Human~~~
Yamapi, as his friends call him, had a relatively normal childhood. He grew up in Japan, lived with his parents, younger sister and the family dog, and the only disruptive thing to happen to him whilst growing up was when his parents moved the family over to America. Yamapi was pretty young at the time, but instead of finding this as difficult as he could have, he just viewed it all as a kind of adventure, and tried to soak in all the fascinating differences between Japan and America. His family moved around between a few different states for a couple of years, until finally deciding to settle down in New York. Yamapi was 16 by this time, and it made quite a difference, being able to stay in one place.

It was in high school, as he settled and made friends and finally had a good grasp on the language, when he realised what he really wanted to do: become an actor. He'd always enjoyed having all eyes on him, and after getting a good role in a high school play he decided he'd like to make a living out of it. And that's still his one true purpose in life, now at almost 24 years old, after finishing high school and college, Yamapi is still trying to get into the acting business. Sadly, the biggest dent he's made so far is in a McDonald's commercial. He's not giving up, though! But because one commercial doesn't really pay the bill's, Yamapi also has a job in a grocery store.

Despite not getting very far with his one true purpose in life (he actually thinks of it as that) Yamapi for the most part maintains a positive attitude towards life. If he's not at work or at home playing games he likes to be with friends, either out having fun, or just playing games at someone elses place. He has a dog called P-chan, who he practices scripts on for auditions (as well as the customers when he's at work sometimes too), and his favourite colour is pink. He has an acoustic guitar he likes to play when in a bad mood, and sometimes he likes to talk in the third person. He's pretty much a loser, half of the time. And very, very fond of food. He still goes back to his parents place as often as he can, just to get some of his mother's home-cooked food.

Preferred RP Style: paragraph~ IJ~ or AIM if its what people prefer~!
Anything Else: you guys have no idea how nervous I am taking on a jpop guy 8D;;; and IJ has no 'nervous' as a mood, whut.

25 mutant strains      mutate     

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