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Subject:Hello :-)
Time:04:07 am
Current Mood:awake
Name/Nickname: Stephanie
Age/Birthday: 26. April 21
Sex: All Female
How long have you been a fan of the show? Since the first episode
Who is your favorite Metalocalypse character? How about pairing? Fave character would be Pickles and pairing would be Nathan/Pickles at the moment. But that changes all the time.
Are you a fanfic author, artist or beta-reader? Or something else entirely?Basically I'm a lurker but I do beta from time to time
Where else can we find you, or where else might we know you from? On LJ as dragonzfire718 I mostly hang around in capslokdethklok
Random info:I do sometimes draw and write. I'm just too lazy to post my stuff :P I'm more of a lurker and a beta-reader
Corpses: 10 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Subject:hi hi hi
Time:12:04 pm
Name/Nickname: Ariel
Age/Birthday: October 16, 1985
Sex: Female
How long have you been a fan of the show? Since around February. I had watched it before then, but as luck would have it, I started with a handful of my least favorite episodes, so it took awhile to click for me.
Who is your favorite Metalocalypse character? How about pairing? I'm one of those people who can never pick favorites. -_- At the moment, my favorite character is Ofdensen, and my favorite pairing is Skwisgaar/Pickles. Both of those are likely to change at any time though!
Are you a fanfic author, artist or beta-reader? Or something else entirely? I don't write, I don't draw, I don't do anything, I just show up! And occasionally leave gushing comments. I'd be willing to beta fics, though.
Where else can we find you, or where else might we know you from? Same username on LiveJournal.
Random info: I'm from Southern California, I'm in college (I'm a former dropout), and I spend most of my free time either reading, playing video games, or dancing drunkenly.
Corpses: 6 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Time:11:27 am
Name/Nickname: Mandey
Age/Birthday: 19; September 5.
Sex: Female.
How long have you been a fan of the show? 2 or 3 days, to be honest, but I've seen all the episodes now. Yay for the summer, right?
Who is your favorite Metalocalypse character? Toki and Murderface. How about pairing? I actually have liked everything I've seen so far. I don't think I'm picky. My favorites have been Toki/Nathan, Toki/Skwisgaar, and Murderface/Pickles.
Are you a fanfic author, artist or beta-reader? Or something else entirely? I'm a fic writer, and I'm a pretty fast grammar/spelling beta. I also dabble in art for fun sometimes, but I don't really have a lot of talent.
Where else can we find you, or where else might we know you from? I'm also herbailiwick on LJ, but I hardly use LJ. I've participated in tons of Harry Potter exchanges, I am also part of LJ's outsiders_slash for The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton and bwoc_fic for the show Big Wolf on Campus.
Random info: Started a wiki for Big Wolf on Campus, have like very very little upper body strength, can play the clarinet, and heavy metal can put me to sleep (since I'm ADHD, and stimulation does that to us).
Corpses: 5 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Time:12:27 am
Name/Nickname: arielle

Age/Birthday: 19.. July 7th

Sex: chick

How long have you been a fan of the show? I didn't start watching until Dethclown (perfect episode to start from, eh?) and I fell in love with it immediately.

Who is your favorite Metalocalypse character? How about pairing? hmm my favorite character is... idk. I like all the band members. But if i absolutely had to pick one, it will be Skwisgaar. Though I am a big fan of Pickles (the drummer doodily doo). My favorite paring so far is Nathan/Toki.

Are you a fanfic author, artist or beta-reader? Or something else entirely?
a lurker :(

Where else can we find you, or where else might we know you from? hmm I'm on Hiatus right now from LJ, so I doubt I'm known from there. I do spend some time of imvu, though. But i dont think any of you know what that is.

Random info: I love Dr. Rockso!!
oh and fun random icons here. I made them all 3 days ago. I was just sitting there, watching both seasons for about the 3rd time and I thought, "I should make icons." You can steal them if you want :D
Corpses: 10 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Subject:Hello! Intro post.
Time:09:05 pm
Current Mood:calm
Name/Nickname: Lisa / Vegesoup

Age/Birthday: 19

Sex: Female

How long have you been a fan of the show?: Only recently. My wonderful friend get me onto it and I fell in love right from Duncan Hills Coffee jingle. :)

Who is your favorite Metalocalypse character? Pickles and Toki. I could never pick!
How about pairing? Skwisgaar/Toki followed VERY closely by Pickles/Ofdensen.

Are you a fanfic author, artist or beta-reader?
Or something else entirely? More of a reader. But I'd like to try my hand at writing!

Where else can we find you, or where else might we know you from? LJ with the same name, Bebo, MSN and Facebook!

Random info: I have a rather large collection of Dethklok slash-art, so if you're looking for anythign in particular in the way of pairings, I may just have it saved...credits to artists too, of course.
Corpses: 6 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Time:11:57 pm
Current Mood:working
Name/Nickname:  Lauren / AbelValentine

Age/Birthday:  22/ August

Sex: Female

How long have you been a fan of the show? Since the premiere of the first episode, first season. ^-^ I was hooked!

Who is your favorite Metalocalypse character? How about pairing? Character- Skwisgaar.  Pairing- Pickles/Charles.

Are you a fanfic author, artist or beta-reader? Or something else entirely? I am a fanfic author XD.

Where else can we find you, or where else might we know you from? Dethslash.com, Fanfiction.net, Sausage Festival LJ comm.!

Random info: I am an editor by day, so I have no problem beta-reading for anyone! I'm very friendly, and on AIM often (xmanastarx) and if I do not answer promptly...I am playing WoW.   >.<
Corpses: 7 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Subject:LOL hello
Time:06:09 pm
Current Mood:crappy
Name/Nickname: Alice (Dildos, BananaStickers, AliceStickers, DildosAlice..)
Age/Birthday: May 25
Sex: Girl
How long have you been a fan of the show? Since it started :) I like Metalocalypse slash since idk last april
Who is your favorite Metalocalypse character? How about pairing? Pickles, Ofdensen.. and Rockzo XD My favorite pair is Ofdensen/Pickles :9
Are you a fanfic author, artist or beta-reader? Or something else entirely? I like to see people's drawings
Where else can we find you, or where else might we know you from? Y-gallery, CapslokDethklok on LJ, Metalocrypha, iScribble <33, Artgrounds (Sketcher) I used ta be in dA and Tegaki.
Random info: Things I draw for here, I think I'll only post here. Draw for me because I will smile :)GIVE ME A BANANA STICKER
Corpses: 10 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Time:03:12 am
Current Mood:awake
Hallo! Since I just had some St. Paddy's Day art posted, I figured I probably ought to come introduce myself.

Name/Nickname: Maria/JediPirate
Age/Birthday: 26/June 2
Sex: Girrrrl
How long have you been a fan of the show? Um... A year-ish, I think.
Who is your favorite Metalocalypse character? How about pairing? Not sure if I have a single favorite character. It kinda depends on the day. Though, Ofdensen is awesome. And favorite pairing is him with Pickles. *nods*nods*
Are you a fanfic author, artist or beta-reader? Or something else entirely? Mostly, I'm a fanfic author, but I haven't really gotten into my groove and done much yet with Metalocalypse. I seem to be doing more art-type stuffs. Like DethPumpkins and Irish!Pickles and such.
Where else can we find you, or where else might we know you from? I have accounts at LJ and y!Gallery. Though, I post at y!G about as much as I post here on IJ. Really ought to remedy both situations there.
Random info: Um... I like friends! I'm on AIM practically all the time. Feel free to chat me up sometime. =) I'm also a rabid pirate fanatic and Star Wars geek. Though, that might have been obvious by the icon. heh.
Corpses: 3 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Current Music:Cinderella - Don't Know What You Got 'Til It's Gone
Current Location:Florida
Subject:Introduction Post
Time:06:12 pm
Current Mood:amused
'Cause I just now realized I forgot to do this *facepalm*. lol

Nichole. You can me Nick, Nicki, Nichole, Milly....any one of those is fine.
Age/Birthday: 4/27/88
Sex: Female
How long have you been a fan of the show? Since the day night it premiered :D!
Who is your favorite Metalocalypse character? How about pairing? I love them all, but I'd say Nathan and Toki are my favorite characters.  N/T, T/N, M/S, S/P, Seth/P, C/P - I'm fine with any pairing really, but these are my favs.
Are you a fanfic author, artist or beta-reader? Or something else entirely? I usually lurk more than anything, but I have written and drawn a bit for this fandom.
Where else can we find you, or where else might we know you from? LJ, Y!Gal, dethslash.com
Random info: (Whatever you want!) uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........................I have loads and loads of awesome fic/pic ideas, but not enough initiative to do/make them u_u; (I wind up just telling other people my ideas and let them have fun with them.).  I'm such a lazy ass >>.  If bothered enough, I probably will get something done XD
Corpses: 4 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Subject:A bit of randomness appears..
Time:06:07 pm
Name/Nickname: Honeychan. Or Lisa Honeychan if you follow the cosplay world. Or you can just call me Lisa. It's all good.

Age/Birthday: April 7. I'll be 39 this year, which has me a bit squicked out.
Sex: Not as much as i'd like. My female-parts classifiy me as you guessed it...FEMALE! Yay for periods and all that.
How long have you been a fan of the show? I watched halfway during the first season, and just didn't -get- the show. For some reason, watching Pickles tell me that "Nickles is money too, guys" struck me as completely hysterical, and made me look deeper into the show. I'm so glad I did, and yes, Pickles, nickles IS money too. I have been schooled, and cannot look at a nickel the same way again.
Who is your favorite Metalocalypse character? How about pairing? I love all the guys, with Pickles and Nathan right now being my faves. That will change next week to Murderface and Skwisgaar. No really. I love them all. I do want to kick Skwisgaar down a flight of stairs, he can be so arrogant at times- but I still love him. Toki is the eternal man-child with some of the funniest lines in the show. Fave pairings? All, thank you! Nathan X Toki is fab, Murderface X Skwisgaar make me squee and Pickles X CFO is a happy, beautiful thing.
Are you a fanfic author, artist or beta-reader? Or something else entirely? I have dabbled in fanfic, and love doing it. I think of very random things for the guys to do in my stories. As for art? I draw, but bad enough to never scan my work for the pudlic to see. I love making Metalocalypse icons.
Where else can we find you, or where else might we know you from? I'm the same handle on LJ: honeychan. On Dethslash's offical site, i'm Honeychan for my 3 fanfics. LisaHoneychan on D.A. and I do have a Y!Gallery membership but have forgotten what name i've used there. I'll get back to you on that one.
Random info: I spend most my life playing The Sims2, with my Dethklok characters running rampant over my little town. I love talking about what happens in my game as well, and tend to post the insanity on whatever journal that gets my current attention.

Glad to be here, everyone!
Corpses: 4 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Current Location:mi cuarto
Subject:Hello All!
Time:03:13 am
Current Mood:amused
Name/Nickname: Chloe...duuh.
Age/Birthday: (optional of course)19, May 27
Sex: (also optional) I am a lady.
How long have you been a fan of the show? since liiiike late 2007.
Who is your favorite Metalocalypse character? How about pairing? Skwisgaar because he's such a Divo and kind of awkward at the same time. Murderface comes in as a close second because we both love Civil War and are under appreciated bassists (as so many of us are ;_;). Favorite pairing is S/T, it'll never get old. But right now i'm going through a S/P or P/T OR M/T. i don't know why.
Are you a fanfic author, artist or beta-reader? Or something else entirely? Ummm I do the author thing once in a while. I've been known to beta but usually I am just around for the lulz.
Where else can we find you, or where else might we know you from? LJ: underdog_ontop Y!Gal: selfishme (same for DA), iScribble: chloeduuh.
Random info: (Whatever you want!) I go to college. and play bass occasionally. I've been known to get sloppy once in a while
Corpses: 10 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Time:03:21 pm
Name/Nickname: Narret.... or Lindsay, that's fine too
Age/Birthday: 20 12/26/88
A girl creature
How long have you been a fan of the show?
A year or so now
Who is your favorite Metalocalypse character? How about pairing? Murderface, Knubbler, Toki, Pickles, Churles, Nat'n, Skwisgaar, Klokateers... uh yup I like them all. and as for pairings, I was quite stubborn on some of them for a while but I've really come around and kinda like them all, although I still go all wibbly for anyone and Murderface.
Are you a fanfic author, artist or beta-reader? Or something else entirely? Mostly an artist, although I am attempting fics, but mostly a lurker artist
Where else can we find you, or where else might we know you from? I'm Narret at Deviantart Notnarret at Y!Gallery and x_orangebowie at LJ.
Random info: I wish I was a shark, that would be awesome. Oh and I'm an environmental educator and a nature illustrator, or will be when I graduate. Oh and I like mixing my music genres like DiscoMetal and GypsyPunk and TechnoGoth.
Corpses: 14 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Time:02:00 pm
Current Mood:busy
Name/Nickname: Sacha, but everyone knows me as Hallo.
Age/Birthday: 33
Sex: female
How long have you been a fan of the show? Since the beginning. Despite being a Skwisgaar fangirl, Nathan was the one who caught my eye in the previews.
Who is your favorite Metalocalypse character? How about pairing? Skwisgaar (duh! *lol*) Skwiss/Toki is my OTP, but I also like Nathan/Pickles, Nathan/Toki, Pickles/Skwiss (the height difference makes me happy :3), MF/Knubbler (so ugly it's cute), Nate/MF, anything with Toki on top and the rare pairing of Skwisgaar topping Nathan ^^
Are you a fanfic author, artist or beta-reader? Or something else entirely? I'm an artist, but I dabble in fic now and then. I also beta when I have the time.
Where else can we find you, or where else might we know you from? I'm on deviantART, y!Gallery, LiveJournal (and its various Dethklok comms), Blogger, Hentai Foundry and Insane Journal.
Random info: I'm kinda boring, so there's not much to put here. I like to draw in case you haven't noticed that by now, and spend way too much time on the comp tarding off on AIM and RPing. I play a slightly-psychotic Skwisgaar and a laid-back Pickles if anyone's interested ^^
Corpses: 4 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Time:02:10 am
Name/Nickname: Nasasie, CatCat, ZaphodBeeblebrox, spazmo, etc
Age/Birthday: 26. uh 27 o_O. on the 9th of December i det herrends år nittenåttien,.. eh 1981
Sex: Yes Please :D
How long have you been a fan of the show? oh, since about this time last yearish, in around the fall of uhh.. 2007.
Who is your favorite Metalocalypse character? How about pairing? Murderface! no wait Toki, no! Nathan! uhhhhh. can't decide ¬_¬
pairing.. oh man...... Everybody/Everybody!
Are you a fanfic author, artist or beta-reader? Or something else entirely? I'm just this guy, you know? (something else entirely)
Where else can we find you, or where else might we know you from? I'm Nasasie at last.fm and LJ, mostly it is nasasie, else ZaphodBeeblebrox, oh and omgwtfbbqponies on youtube :D
Random info: I am a random person from norway, jup, och Jag Talar lite Svenska, ochså, för at min pappa va svensk, what else... oh, I am insane and a pervert, yay!

also i had this waiting in a window for my approval in this comm since this morning, yay for fail XD
Corpses: 5 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Current Location:New Mexico
Subject:Hello! ^_^
Time:04:41 pm
Current Mood:crazy
Name/Nickname: Patty, VLG, Vegluvgrl, Panix
Age/Birthday: 28-29 soon, March 15th
Sex: Female

How long have you been a fan of the show? Since sometime last year, I think. Fanart and fanfiction got me started.

Who is your favorite Metalocalypse character? Charles, though Toki is a very close second.

How about pairing? I like most pairings. ^_^

Are you a fanfic author, artist or beta-reader? I'm a writer and artist, but I have not yet done anything for Metalocalypse. ^^;

Or something else entirely? Does 'lurker' count? ^^;

Where else can we find you, or where else might we know you from? http://yaoi.y-gallery.net/user/vlg/ and http://vlg.deviantart.com/ are the top two places I frequent.

Random info: I'm bipolar and disabled, which causes me to switch from very active to vanishing without notice. ^^; I'm also really into Spy vs Spy right now, especially the Rookie-verse and spin-offs. (Spies stole my brain! XD) Anyway, I might not seem like I'm around, but I try to be.
Corpses: 2 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Current Music:Muse - Take a Bow
Subject:Introduction-type Thing
Time:06:12 pm
Current Mood:working
Yay! ^^

Name/Nickname: Ginga, theginga, there are a few out there who call me 'Pang' for reasons I won't go into at the moment.

Age/Birthday: 24/4-22-1984

Female .... and not happy about it. >.>

How long have you been a fan of the show?
: I always kinda liked it, but I was never really a hardcore FAN until about 4 months ago. XD

Who is your favorite Metalocalypse character?: 
Aww FUCK! I have to CHOOSE!? Well... I'm going to have to say Nathan.  Nathan for the win. Yes.

How about pairing?:
This changes minute-to-minute, but I'm in a real Nathan/Pickles groove right now. ^^ I also adore Skwisgaar/Toki, it's a great pairing.  Having said that, Nathan/Toki makes me all melty inside ... love them together. Seriously.  I haven't found a Murderface pairing I adore yet, but I KNOW I will.  I DO like him slashed with Toki. And Pickles. Yes. XD A little Nathanface never goes amiss, either... *babblebabblebabble*

Are you a fanfic author, artist or beta-reader? Or something else entirely?
I write fanfic for the most part, but I do draw every now and then. I haven't found an art style I'm comfortable using with the Dethklok crew yet.  My anime style doesn't work with The Boys. Not at ALL.  So I'm trying to develop something that does ... but even after I get that figured out, I'll still mostly write fanfic and leave the arts to people with talent. ^^;

Where else can we find you, or where else might we know you from?
You may have seen me 'round the y!gal and SausageFestival over on LJ; I'm 'theginga' in those places as well.  I have a devART account as well ... also 'theginga'.  Previously I was known as Gingasan, but it seems that name is taken in lots of places nowadays so 'theginga' it is. ^^;

Random info:
I live in Michigan, just outside of Detroit.  My hockey team is full of Swedes, my baseball team loves to make me cry and for my own mental wellbeing I pretend Detroit has no football team.  I was born and raised in northern Alberta, Canada ... but moved to Michigan exactly 10 years ago today to be near my grandparents.  Music is my everything. I love it. I favor Japanese bands/singers mostly, but I'll listen to anything.  I don't play any instruments, but I do sing a hell of a lot ... I've written my own lyrics for a long time, and a few years ago I had the wonderful oppertunity to record some of them.  Fate has opened some interesting doors for me recently, and I might get a chance to record again in the near future. Only time will tell...

Corpses: 8 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Time:05:41 pm
Name/Nickname: Gwyneth/Gwyn/Gwynbones
Age/Birthday: 33! November 16th - I'm a Scorpio, man
Sex: Lady
How long have you been a fan of the show? Oh shit. ... couple of years? I watched it a little when first season aired, but got way into it near the end of that season.
Who is your favorite Metalocalypse character? How about pairing? William Murderface Murderface Murderface. Pickles is a close second. I really love all of them, though. Pickles/Murderface is my favorite pairing, but I also do backflips for Skwisgaar/Murderface and Skwisgaar/Ofdensen. I really love Murderface with anybody, actually.
Are you a fanfic author, artist or beta-reader? Or something else entirely? Author, mostly, though I do art, too. I beta my stuff with Sarah. XD
Where else can we find you, or where else might we know you from? I'm on y!gallery, but I cannot provide a link right now because I am at work. I will edit this later to include it. XD I am gwynbones there, though! My lj presence is so minimal as to be not worth mentioning, but I am devil_lude over there.
Random info: Uhhhhhh. Hell, if I know. Sarah covered the pets in her post, and the whole soulmate thing (did she mention she's a laugh riot? She is.) Oh, I know! I work in mental health, with chronically mentally ill institutionalized folks, so I always have good stories! Also, I love the metal. Like, for real. \m/
Corpses: 1 corpse or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Subject:Introductions and stuff.
Time:04:35 pm
Current Mood:curious
Hey, guys! I'm not sure what's up with IJ lately, but there's been a wee bit of trouble with some of the asylum invites. If you need me to invite you to this comm manually, you can let me know in an email (twilight_speaks@yahoo.com) or on AIM (twilightspeaks). I usually respond to both pretty quickly.

Also, to make this an official community-related post, I'll say this: You can go ahead and introduce yourself on the comm if you want to let people know who you are (even if you don't consider yourself an artist or author). I'll steal from another community I'm part of and give you a sample form you can use if you like:

Age/Birthday: (optional of course)
Sex: (also optional)
How long have you been a fan of the show?
Who is your favorite Metalocalypse character? How about pairing?
Are you a fanfic author, artist or beta-reader? Or something else entirely?
Where else can we find you, or where else might we know you from?
Random info: (Whatever you want!)

Here's mine. :) )

There you go, easy as pie. Just tag your introductions with "introduction." ^.^ I will not promise that you will get something special for telling the comm the day and month of your birthday (you can omit year if you're shy about age). But... it certainly wouldn't hurt, would it? I thought it might be fun to know, anyway.
Corpses: Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

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