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Subject:Dethsoap, Season 2
Time:12:34 pm
Current Mood:bouncy
Title: Dethsoap, Season 2
Authors: [info]twilightspeaks and [info]lude
Rating: NC17 (very.)
Warnings/Summary: This is the second Season to DethSoap. This season differs from the first in that there's anal sex and preset relationships that were established in the first part. It's similar to the first because it's also STUPID LONG and there is too much fucking dialogue. It was also never beta'd (though Nasasie has tried to correct us where she could, God bless her). I still play Nathan, Ofdensen, and I do the editing. Gwyn plays the other characters.
Disclaimer: This is a fanfic based on the show Metalocalypse. The characters herein are copyrighted to Small, Blacha and Adult Swim. :D

("Another fake cut-tag to the story.")

One more season for this, and then I'll try to post some new stuff.
Corpses: Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

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