united we stand, divided we fall Destruction Island -- Day
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Destruction Island

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[15 Feb 2014|06:55pm]
Characters: Raina and Jackson
Setting: Their house, Wednesday mid-morning
Summary: Make it or break it

Jackson was nervous )
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Trust Your Instincts [15 Feb 2014|07:06pm]
Characters: Josie (Narrative)
Setting: The Facility then Josie's home, Friday afternoon to evening
Summary: Everything Changes

It had been one very long week )
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The Race [15 Feb 2014|10:01pm]
Who: April and Gavin
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Outside around the island.

Always up for a challenge, even if the odds are tipped. )
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The Faction and Other Things [15 Feb 2014|10:04pm]
Who: Peter and Gavin
When: Tuesday morning
Where: Their place

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The Talk [15 Feb 2014|10:05pm]
Who: Marie and Nora
Where: Their house
When: Tuesday Morning

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hold [15 Feb 2014|10:14pm]
Christien and Marie
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Baby Steps [15 Feb 2014|10:18pm]
Who: Marie and Rick
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Marie's place

Slow and steady wins the race. )
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