united we stand, divided we fall Destruction Island -- Day
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Destruction Island

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[13 Jan 2014|09:02pm]
Characters: Raina and OPEN
Setting: Monday afternoon, the marketplace
Summary: Second thoughts

Raina had always been quite good at keeping up appearances. She'd made a career of it, after all, doing everything in her power to make celebrities look good. But this wasn't London, nor was it Hollywood, and no one particularly cared if she sugar-coated things or not. The last several weeks have been quite difficult for Raina, although in her usual fashion she didn't act as though anything was amiss. First her birthday, then the holidays, it left her terribly depressed about being so isolated from her friends and family and career. Secretly, she'd made plans to leave the island. And since she was only classified as a 'companion', it was surprisingly easy to get permission to leave. But when the day came, she couldn't bring herself to pack her bags and go. She knew that as miserable as she felt lately, she would be far worse off if she'd left Jackson behind here. She'd never forgive herself for that. So for now, she tried to find little things to do each day to keep her mind occupied and hoped for a change of heart. For now, she wandered the marketplace idly, stopping at random stands to look over the items for sale.
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