united we stand, divided we fall Destruction Island -- Day
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Destruction Island

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[06 Jan 2014|10:15pm]
Characters: Daryn and Daphne
Setting: Tuesday afternoon, the diner
Summary: Lunch and advice

Daryn finally broke down and admitted to herself that she needed to talk someone. That maybe she could use a little bit of advice. It wasn't that she didn't trust the opinions of others, she just was usually the one doling out the advice, not searching for them. It put her in an awkward position when she reviewed her choices of people from which to seek out help. She purposely didn't allow herself to get close to many people on the island, and secretly she feared being judged by most of the people she did associate with on a daily basis. There was one person though, who she doubted would judge or criticize her, yet still offer a blunt, honest opinion.

And so Daryn made a trip to the diner just after the lunch rush. She rarely stopped working to take a lunch these days, let alone leave the Facility to do so, although at one time it had been a regular habit of hers. She doubted many people noted the change in her schedule, or if they did, thought nothing of it. Moving inside the restaurant, she chose a vacant seat at the counter, figuring it would be easier to 'speak' to the cook from this vantage point than her usual choice of a booth. She knew that Daphne was working the moment she stepped inside the place, the woman's thoughts were unmistakeably 'different' than others.
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