united we stand, divided we fall Destruction Island -- Day
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Destruction Island

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[09 Dec 2013|12:01am]
Characters: Jonas and Daryn
Setting: Monday morning, the hospital

Jonas had slept surprisingly well, arms wrapped around Daryn for as much of the night as he could remember. When he woke he'd reached for her, only to find nothing, which was almost infuriating. He might have been really pissed off if he hadn't found the note, saying she'd left for work. She'd been right the night before in saying he had work as well, but it wasn't anything he needed to rush for and it was still a couple of hours before his shift started. He read the note twice before making a decision.

The hospital was always busy it seemed, people bustling about, taking care of other people he supposed, but there was always a steady stream of traffic. He wandered through it, looking for her.
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