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[18 May 2019|04:57pm]
Just an FYI for feline spottings. While there is overlap, these are the more frequent sightings.

An orange tabby named Oliver (leather hand made collar) can be spotted around the residential areas. It seems to have adopted a few humans as it’s own.

A gray and white cat named Mr. Tumbles (a makeshift yarn collar with a scotch tape nametag) has been spotted around the marketplace and some of the other stores. It will bed for food scraps and loves belly rubs.

A grey Manx cat named Mew (real looking collar with the name carved into it) can be spotted around the outside of town and near the facility as well as the park. It’s pretty playful but also very feral, can often be seen hunting birds and mice.

The Director does caution traveling through the woods- especially alone as a mountain lion has been spotted on occasion. No new restrictions have been made just caution encouraged.

[ viewing | May 18th, 2019 ]
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