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denver, colorado

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mod post. [23 Dec 2009|03:19am]
Hey guys!

I just wanted to drop you all a line for a couple of reasons. Being the anal retentive person that I am, I'll go ahead and number them for easy viewing and organization.

(1) I'd like to apologize to you all for lacking these last two weeks with actual add posts and sunday writing prompts. I made a big hoopla about activity and getting out there... and then failed you guys almost right after. This was in large part due to the fact that I had exams, 7 of them, in fact. I know it's not much of an excuse, but it's the only one I have. I can promise you, however, that this will be done, fixed, over with after the holidays. Withholding any act of God or major catastrophe, adds and weekly posts and activity expectations will resume starting after Christmas. Which leads me to number two.

(2) Another excuse. We're down to one mod now. Have been for some time. It looked for a while as if we might be regaining our two former mods, but unfortunately, that doesn't appear to be the case. This is where I ask if there's anyone who would like to step up and help me with some of the minor upkeep of the community. Updating the taken list, holds, the like. I'd love to keep this community open, because you guys are fantastic and it's almost the little community that could now, with all our setbacks, but I don't know if I'll be able to keep providing the kind of service I've been desperately trying to provide, alone. Comments are screened if you'd like to help out.

(3) I've always been told to end an entry with praise, so here it is guys. Straight up, you're doing great. Activity is fantastic given the time of year, where everyone is dealing with school stuff and holiday mayhem. So, really, thank-you for pulling in new members, posting and pimping. It's obviously making a difference.

You may now return to your daily programming and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
your mod.
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